Tempus et Sanguis

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This Observation day had been going well so far. Classes had been going smooth. Now here you were in the art class, and the instructor had something special in mind.

"As individuals, we all have different ideas, thoughts and perspectives. Art is one of the best ways to express this individuality. So use this clay and shape what comes to your minds eye."

Great. You could draw competently, even better if you used an image or object as a point of reference. Shaping clay based on what comes to mind, without obvious magic? That was another matter entirely.

"Sir?" You asked. "Is it fair to draw as well?"

The instructor shrugged. "I don't see why not. If your individuality is better suited to paper, then so be it."

Well that was one obstacle avoided. But what could you draw? A sword? Nah. That was just an easy cop out. You figured maybe closing the eyes to help picture what was in your mind.

The natural default at this point was the reality marble. But that was too dull. Then the mind drifted towards a different person, standing there. And the picture itself changed. The clouds in the sky now became more solid, a soft rumble of distant thunder and a gentle breeze. Standing on the hill of blades. Not the bowman, but a someone else in attire of prayer. Yes, a hill of blades, a sky in twilight in the wake of a distant swarm. What you didn't realize is that while picturing this, you were subconsciously transcribing it to the paper before you. Until......

"Wow dude." A sudden voice interrupted your thoughts. You turned to find Issei looking at something on your desk in awe. Come to think of it, why was everyone surrounding you? What was so-

In front of you was a sketch. The background was more or less an accurate representation of Unlimited Blade Works. Barren hills. Endless blades stabbed into the ground, each one unique. But the individual on the hill was different. In a shrine maiden outfit, was a dead on accurate Akeno Himejima. She was facing at front angle, staring pensively to the horizon and with a serene smile.

And it was on your desk. What happened? Did you subconsciously shape this as you were thinking? How would you do that? Were you that lost in thought and that subconsciously well coordinated? Maybe it was accidental magic? But how was it not seen. You didn't even think the audience would figure it out.

"Wow, (F/n). You didn't know we had a maestro in this class. Or perhaps I should mean two." The instructor praised, gesturing to Issei. And it brought a scowl at Issei. Where you had drawn the Queen, Issei had shaped the King.  You knew him and Rias were close, but for crying out loud! How was the instructor not literally kicking him out for sculpting the naked form of an upper classmate?!

"Well, there goes our ability to be subtle." You thought aloud. Meanwhile, the perverted male classmates were crowding Issei. Bits of words caught indicated they were trying to obtain Issei's work for themselves. To make matters worse for them, his parents were filming him. Aika joined in on commenting on Issei amidst Asia's jealous reaction. Xenovia also crowded the perv.

"Issei." Xenovia chimed in. "Can you make one of me, explicitly?"

Issei immediately flushed red at the thought and looked to you silently begging for help. You responded with a shake of the head and raised eyebrows to nonverbally express "Screw that. I got my own problems."


"My. These are very well made." Rias noted with a slight smiling blush when Issei showed his work to her during a break. With the limited space in a locker and his and your reluctance to damage the work regardless of embarrassment, you had opted to carry them with you, at least until you two dropped them off at the club. But that meant showing the muses what you two more or less thought of them.

Wrought Iron Devil (Highschool DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now