Calm Waters

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One week after the incident at Kuoh Academy

Rias POV:

Rias milled through the available choices, still in search for the right one. This one? No. This? Color wasn't right. This? Who even designed this one? Maybe Akeno could help her with this one.

"Hey, do you think Issei would like this bathing suit?" She asked her queen. When Akeno did not respond, Rias looked to see what she was up to. Akeno was also rummaging through the choices, completely focused. Of course she was. They were both looking to impress their respective men, or at least crush. Akeno may have had a hobby of teasing in place of showing any real attraction, but as her best friend, Rias could see it coming from a mile away. It hopefully would not be long before Akeno and her fellow magic wielder acted on their feelings.

"Hmmm, I wonder......" The Vice President muttered.

"Ahem." Rias said. That was enough to get Akeno's attention. "I was asking if you'd think Issei would like this one?"

"Hmmmm, yes he would. Can I ask the same question for (F/n)?" Akeno inquired.

"Well, yeah....." Rias trailed off upon seeing her queen's bolder choice. It was slightly more revealing and had more color, leaving little to imagination. She honestly expected Akeno would be more risqué now that she thought about it.

'I'd say he'd be a nervous wreck. Maybe that's what you're going for.'

It was when Akeno giggled did Rias realize that she'd forgotten about telepathy.

"We should try these on." She motioned to the changing rooms.

A few minutes later, both had put their respective selections on. After a quick check of herself, an idea came to Rias.

"I should send a selfie!"

"Mmm, I think I will too." She heard Akeno say in the next door stall.

Your POV:

Your only question: How were you convinced to do this?

You could be playing video games, working out, or just sleeping. Instead you were somehow convinced by Issei and Kiba to accompany them to Karaoke, complete with the other three resident pervs and Asia. Oh that's right, it was Asia that asked you, completely oblivious to giving puppy eyes.

And the reason for your misery lay in the form of Matsuda and Morohama singing a duet, or just plain trying to keep voice cracking. The only way out of this was to let them finish, and then keep the mics away from the pair. This decision seemed to be shared by you, Kiba and Koneko.

Then your phone vibrated, along with Issei's, indicating a notification from an app on your end. It said that Akeno had sent an image. Upon unlocking your phone, your breath hitched involuntarily at the sight.

The photo was Akeno in a bathing suit, placing emphasis on her chest with her pose and positioning, and finishing the shot with a wink. You were already involuntarily heating up, not to mention involuntary twitching at the waist.

"What is it?" Issei asked over the awful perverted singing, looking rather excited.

"Nothing important." You said quickly.

"Your face is red." Koneko deadpanned.

"Is there a bulge between your legs?" Aika asked teasingly.

"Eyes up here perv." You snarled at her. That shut her up immediately.

Then Issei's phone went off. Everyone immediately zeroed in on him, expecting a nosebleed at the very least. Shockingly enough, he looked at the screen, moved to take a call and left. Kiba accompanied him shortly.

Wrought Iron Devil (Highschool DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now