Will I See Her Again?

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"Our heroes except Ash have met Serena, The Performer and her Eeveelution Partner Sylveon. Ash who used to travel with Serena, feels doubtful whether the ribbon given to Chloe's Eevee is hers  and suddenly went outside to get some air."

Ash:*Sad/Deep thoughts* Damn...is It, Serena...If it is...If I hadn't bumped into Wallace, I could have seen her and maybe Confess my feelings to her...

*Back Inside with Chloe and Goh.*

Chloe: You know Goh, She told so many things about herself and some mottos she follows.

Goh: I'm happy that you were able to learn a lot from her.

Chloe: I know right, if we had a bit more time, I could have learned something more.

Goh: Yeah but do you know the reason she was crying when I met her here?

Chloe: Yeah, she was talking about her crush, the person who told the mottos she follows and the main reason behind her choosing Pokemon Perfroming and Contests.

Goh: Oh really, Do you know his name?

Chloe: No by that time we already reached the ship.

Goh: Oh, If we knew that we could have thanked him for all he has done to her and you.

Chloe: Yeah, I agree. You know what, I'll be heading outside to see the view.

Goh: Sure, go ahead, Chloe.

Chloe: See you later, Goh.

"Chloe comes outside and sees Ash looking down."

Chloe: Ash...???

Ash: Yeah...How can I help you?

Chloe: Nothing, I just came outside to see the sea.

Ash: Oh... ok

*Chloe has been noticing this ever since their arrival to Hoenn."

Chloe: Ash, I have been meaning to ask this since the moment we arrived at Hoenn.

Ash: Sure...Go ahead...

Chloe: You look down, not like yourself. is there some problem?

Ash: Before that...can I ask something for confirmation?

Chloe: Sure, what is it, Ash?

Ash: The Sylveon Trainer...the performer...her name and region is?

Chloe: Serena? Serena hails from the Kalos Region.

Ash: I...Knew...it

Chloe:*Confused* what do you mean, you knew?

Ash: Serena is my companion from my time in Kalos.

Chloe: Oh that's nice but how is this related to you feeling down?

Ash: Because she is the reason...

Chloe:*More Confused* What? How?

Ash: I'll explain everything but not right now.

Chloe: Sure Ash...Take your time.

"Time passed to dinner and everyone completed their food."

Goh: What a food, man!!!

Chloe: I completely agree, Goh.

"Suddenly Ash spoke up to others."

Ash: Everyone...I have something to tell.

Goh:*Confused* What is it, Ash?

Ash: I'll be answering to Chloe but you should also listen.

Goh & Chloe: Go ahead, Ash.

Ash: The Sylveon Trainer Chloe met was my travelling companion during my travels in Kalos. She was the only person I had ever invited to travel around with me. She was the most sweetest and most motivational person, I know. She was there to help me during my ups and downs and I love her deeply, I was able to understand my feelings for her recently with the help of a past incident. To answer your question, If I had confirmed it was her, I would have not even battled Wallace.

Chloe: Ash...So you do love Serena.

Ash: Yes, I would do anything to conserve her smile and happiness.

Goh: But Chloe told me, she is in love with someone.

Chloe: GOHHHHH!!!

*Ash suddenly started forming tears in his eyes after hearing that."

Ash:*Forming Tears*This...this is...what...losing someone you...love...feels*sniffs*like...right...

Chloe: Ash...Ash, I have one question. If you answer it could answer this whole confusion.

Ash: I...I lost...her...If...If I notice these feelings.

Goh: Ash...Calm down.

Ash: I don't...I don't understand myself...ever since I have *sniffs* r-r-realised my feelings towards her... I-I couldn't understand my own feelings...I'm feel lost...

Chloe: Ash!!!, Just answer this question, please. what's the reason she joining you?

Ash: It's because...It's because of me...She wanted to reunite with me.

Chloe: How did she react whenever she was near you?

Ash: she constantly would blush which I used to think of as having fevers.

Chloe: Did you ever advise her during your travels?

Ash: Uh...Yeah...I may have given her some.

Chloe: Do you remember them?

Ash: Maybe...oh, there is one..

Chloe: What is it???

Ash: "Never Give Up Until it's Over." this is the one I told her during our whole adventure together.

Chloe: ...That's it!!!, you are the mystery lover of hers!!!

"Ash suddenly rubs his tears and asks."

Ash: what do you mean, Chloe?

Chloe: you are the reason why she is doing this. you inspired her to be a performer and gave her important advice to be stronger.

Ash: I did that?

Chloe: Yes and she misses you so much that she was crying.

Ash: what...She...misses...me...

Chloe: Yes she does, Ash. now let's go to bed it has been a long day.

Ash: I have something which I think is also something she gave me signalling her love for me.

Chloe: What is it?

Ash:*Blushes automatically* She k-kissed me... on the lips... just before she left for Hoenn.

"Chloe and Goh were shocked at this."

Goh & Chloe: wait a minute....SHE KISSED YOU!!!!

Ash:*Blushing* Yes...is there...something wrong?

Goh: Nothing Ash, Nothing.

Chloe: She definitely is in love with you.

"Our heroes go to their respective rooms and sleep happily knowing that a messed up situation has come to a fix."

"Meanwhile in Lilycove City."

Serena: Sylveon, let's get to sleep right now. tomorrow we are going back home and competing for the title of Kalos queen.


See you soon


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