Team Rocket Madness

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"Our heroes have finally returned to Kanto after an unusual time with Calem and just as they were about to leave the airport, Ash bumped into a familiar face."

*****: Watch, where you going, dude...Ash!!!!!

Ash: Huh!!!, what are you doing over here?

*****: Long time no see, Ash. I just came back home for my monthly vacation.

Ash: Yeah, it's good to see you too buddy.

"Just then Serena and Co arrive"

Goh: Hey Ash, mind introducing your friend?

Ash: Oh, he's like my big Brot...

*****: OH YEAH, I HAVE FINALLY FOUND THE PERFECT GIRL!!!!! Oh, sweetheart, please go out with this handsome young man, who has been trying to....ack!!!

"Suddenly a Croagunk attacks him with a poison jab."

Serena: Well, that was interesting, mind introducing him, Ashy?

Ash: Yeah, he's my friend Brock from Pewter City. He used to be the Gym Leader. Now he's currently at Sinnoh learning how to be a Pokemon breeder.

Goh: Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Goh and this my friend Chloe.

Serena: Hi, I'm Serena, I'm Ash's Girlfriend.

Brock: HUH!!!!!!!!!, Ash, the guy who used to have a shell so dense has a girlfriend. I can't believe what I just heard.

Ash: It's true, Brock...

"Brock Drags Ash and asks."

Brock: Now, You got some explaining to do, Ash.

"A Few Moments Later"

Brock: Oh, I see, so you were in love with her in the past and only were able to realize it a while ago.

Ash: Yup.

Brock: Does Misty know about this?

Ash: No, not yet.

Brock: Ok, why not we all go and meet Misty now, y'all ain't busy, right?

Ash: No, we can go right guys?

Serena, Goh & Chloe: Yeah, let's go meet her!!!

"After some time, our heroes are having a lunch special made by Brock."

Goh: Hey Brock, the food is delicious.

Ash: Yeah, it's been a while since I have had Brock's food.

Chloe: The food is delicious but I don't know why u haven't found a girl yet, I would have been thrilled to be Your Girlfriend because of the way you cook.

Brock: Sigh, it's just faith.

Serena: Yeah, I do agree with Chloe.

"Just then"

Meowth: haha, we finally found a lot of Pokemon.

Jessie: So how are we going to catch them?

James: Hey Jesse, I have a Plan in mind. See that group of Grass types there.

Jessie: Yeah, what about them?

James: Let's attack them and create a loud explosion or noise to make them run or fight each other.

Meowth: Sounds like a Plan.

"Back to our heroes"

Brock: So Ash, mind telling me your current goal after becoming a research fellow?

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