An Alolan Showcase

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"Goh and Chloe had reunited with Serena and are now at Kahuna Hala's house to escape the rain and are currently drinking tea."

Hala: So, Serena you are a performer and coordinator.

Serena: Yes, my goal was to be the Kalos queen but now it's to complete my dream and compete in contests and showcases at the same time.

Hala: I see, here in alola, recently we introduced the Pokemon league and had its winner.

"Serena for a moment thinks and asks Hala."

Serena: Hala, If you don't mind can I perform in front of the main people in Alola and maybe help in the introduction of Showcases?

Goh: That's a good idea, it will help alola in tourism and attract many people.

Hala: Hmm, give me a moment, please.

"Hala, the proceeds to leave and Serena starts getting worried."

Serena: *worried* I hope, the others have no problem.

Chloe: don't worry Serena, everything will be fine.

"A few moments later, Hala came with some news."

Hala: Good news, you can perform tonight.

Serena: Oh, thank you so much.

"After a few minutes, The rain stops and the gang leaves Hala's house."

Serena: Well, I'll see you Later.

Goh & Chloe: Yeah, see you later, Serena.

"In the Night, at Prof Kukui's house."

Prof Kukui: OK, who is coming with me to see the showcase?

All except Ash: ME!!!

Ash: I'll pass.

Prof Kukui: You sure, Ash?

Prof Burnet: Yeah, are you feeling alright, Ash?

Delia: Yeah, I have been noticing this since we arrived at Alola.

Ash: I'm fine, I'm just a bit Sleepy and whose going to take care of lei?

Prof Kukui: Your Right. Ok then, Take rest, Ash.

Ash: Yeah, see you later.

*Back at Hala's battlefield."

Serena:* In mind* Come on I can do this...Never Give Up Till it's over.

Olivia: Serena, We're Ready.

Serena: Yeah, coming.

"Serena then comes and Introduces herself."

Delia:*In mind* Is that Grace's Daughter? Imagine what would be Ash's reaction if he saw her.

"The sun dipped low over the Alolan horizon, casting a warm glow on the bustling festival grounds. At the heart of the celebration, Serena's Pokemon prepared for a dazzling performance in front of esteemed spectators. Professor Kukui, the four Kahunas, Goh, Chloe, and even Delia Ketchum eagerly awaited the showcase of talent."

"On a vibrant stage adorned with tropical flowers, Serena's Delphox took the centre spot. With a graceful twirl of its wand, Delphox conjured swirling embers that danced in the air, painting a fiery display. The Kahunas nodded in approval, acknowledging the impressive control over fire."

"Beside Delphox, Sylveon, the embodiment of elegance, leapt into the limelight. Ribbons cascaded from its feelers, weaving intricate patterns in the air. The crowd marvelled at the synchronization between Pokemon and trainer, and the Kahunas exchanged impressed glances."

"Next up, Pancham emerged, exuding charisma as it engaged in a lively dance. The rhythm of its movements resonated with the beats of the Alolan drums, earning cheers from the onlookers. Goh and Chloe shared a smile, appreciating the infectious energy emanating from the stage."

"Ash's Greninja, a towering force of water and strength, then made a dramatic entrance. With a splash, Greninja created water sculptures that glistened in the evening light. The crowd gasped, captivated by the dynamic and powerful display. Professor Kukui acknowledged the strength of the Greninja."

"Somewhere, Ash feels a sudden aura pulse after Greninja's Performance."

Ash: Is Greninja nearby...I think I'll go where Mom and others are at the Showcase with Lei.

"As the performance continued, the trio of Delphox, Sylveon, and Pancham showcased their unique talents. Delphox's mystifying pyrotechnics, Sylveon's graceful ribbons, and Pancham's charismatic dance wove together a narrative of friendship and skill."

"The festival reached its peak as the trio gathered around Serena, basking in the glow of a successful performance. Professor Kukui commended the team's synergy and creativity, praising the unique talents of each Pokemon. The Kahunas, Goh, Chloe, and Delia Ketchum joined in the applause, recognizing the bond between trainer and Pokemon that made the Alolan showcase truly magical."

"The festival continued, with Serena and her Pokemon trio, along with Ash's Greninja, basking in the joy of a well-received performance. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the Alolan skies in hues of orange and pink, the memory of Serena's Pokemon performance lingered, a testament to the beauty and diversity of the Pokemon world."

"Everyone suddenly Appaluds and everyone congratulates Serena for the Success."

Prof Burnet: Serena, that was so beautiful.

Goh: I agree, that has to be better than the one you did in Hoenn.

Chloe: I know right, especially your greninja was awesome.

Serena: Thank you, everyone.

Prof Kukui: Well, Serena looks like you have got our approval.

Hala: Yes, you sure have, we are interested in adding this for all the girls and boys, who are interested in Performing.

Olivia: Yes, We'll contact the Showcase Council to allow Alola to host Showcases and Master classes.

Serena:*Happily* Thank You, Thank You so much.

"Just then someone spoke."

***: *Shocked* Serena...Is that You...

"Serena Immediately recognized the voice and turned in the direction the person was."

Serena: *Shocked* Ash...


See you soon


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