Goodbye Pokemon Master (A Tribute to Ash and Pikachu)

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"Hi everyone, I'm back but late as always... Anyway, today's chapter is gonna be a one-shot tribute towards our heroes Ash and Pikachu as they have officially ended their roles as the MC of the franchise. this ofcourse is gonna be an amourshipping one-shot but its gonna be my remake of the Pokemon: aim to be a Pokemon master final, let's go!!!!"


'With Ash, Brock and Misty as they're walking together and witnessing the beautiful sunset"

Misty: Well this route will take me back to Cerulean City.

Ash:*Nods* Yeah

Misty: Well I guess this is it. Ash, Brock it was nice to travel again after a long time.

"Both of them nod in agreement"

"Psyduck gets out of its Pokeball and hugs Pikachu and both of them tearing up."

Brock: Hey Misty, don't forget to say hi to your sisters for me.

Misty:*Nervously laughs* yeah sure but aren't u coming a bit close??

Brock: Yeah but I don't mind coming close to-

"Just then Croagunk comes out and uses poison jab on Brock"

Misty:*Laughing* Well, I'ma Head out now. Bye Ash and Brock.

Ash & Brock: Bye Misty, take care.

"A Few Moments Later"

Brock: Well, I guess this is it.

Ash: Yeah, Say hi to your family for me.

Brock: Yeah I will, Bye Ash take care.

Ash: You too Brock

Pikachu:*Waving his hand* Pikapiii (Bye Brock, take care)

Ash: Let's go home, Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika (Let's go)

"An hour Later"

Ash: There's Pallet Town, hurry Pikachu.

"They reach their home and are greeted by their mom and Mr Mime"

Ash & Pikachu: I'm home, Pikaaaa (I'm home)

Delia: Welcome back boys, you must be exhausted from your travels. take a bath and by then dinner would be ready.

"At the bathroom"

Ash & Pikachu: Oh man, this is so relaxing, pikapikiii ( It sure is buddy)

Pikachu:*Smirks* Pika (Let's have some fun)

"Pikachu using his tail splashes Ash"

Ash: Oh, Game on!!

"They both start battling out in the water causing Delia to smile and leave them."

Delia: Ash, Dinner is ready.

Pikachu:*Eyes sparking* Chaaa (Delicious!!)

Delia: Thanks Pikachu. I made your Favorites also, Ash

Ash: Thanks, Mom.

Delia: Your Welcome honey, now tell me about your current adventure.

Ash: yeah, sure. Well, we reunited with Misty and Brock.

Delia: Oh wow, that's nice. what else?

Ash: We met Cilan and the time we met Brock, he was working in a cafe as he was in love with the owner but found she liked someone else which broke his heart. just as we were travelling to a forest a Pokemon hypnotized his mind and made him see that lady he loved. it also hypnotized my mind showing Mom holding a plate of food with...(Blushes)

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