Loving You Under The Alolan Moon

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Ash:*Holding Lei* Serena...

Serena: Ash...

"The Lovers Looked at Each in Shock and Created an Awkward Silence."

Hala: Oh, The Alolan Champion missed such a Wonderful Show.

Serena: Alolan Champion???

Ash:*Blushing* Yeah...I sort of am the Champion of Alola.

"Prof Kukui noticing the situation decided to pick up Lei."

Prof Kukui:* Picking up Lei* Well, we'll give you guys some space.

Others: Yeah, Let's go

"Everyone leaves so that they could feel comfortable and then."

Ash: So...How ar-

Serena:*Hugs tightly and tears forming* I..I MISSED YOU SO MUCH*Sniffs* Ash...

Ash:*Hugs her back* Yeah, I also...Missed you too... a lot.

Serena:*In mind* I can't hold it back anymore.

"Suddenly, Serena Kissed Ash while crying and Ash soon returned it. both of them were releasing their inner emotions to each other."

Ash: Serena... I have something to tell you.

Serena: Me too Ash... I also have something to tell you.

Ash & Serena:*In mind* It's now or never.

"Suddenly, Team Skull arrives ruining the moment in the process.

Team Grunt-1: Yo, yo we're team skull and we want to battle you.

Team Grunt-2 and 3: Yeah, yeah. if you lose we get your Pokemon.

Ash: Step back Serena, Greninja!!!

"Suddenly Greninja comes forward, ready to battle."

Ash: Let's go, Greninja!!!

"Ash and Greninja were in Battle stands against Team Skull."

Ash: Ready, Greninja? Let's show them the power of our bond!

Grunts 1, 2, and 3: You're in for it now! Go, Zubat, Raticate, and Salandit!

Ash: Water Shuriken, now! Target Raticate!

Grunt 1,2 and 3: Dodge it! Counter with Poison Fang and Ember!

Ash: Quick, dodge and use Aerial Ace!

Grunts 1, 2, and 3: Not bad, but we've got more! Double Team, Zubat!

Ash: Water Shuriken, scatter those illusions!

Grunk 2: Toxic! Hit Greninja with your strongest poison!

Ash: Dodge and retaliate with Cut!!!

"Greninja uses cut which were super effective."

Grunts 1, 2, and 3: We won't back down! Raticate, Hyper Fang!

Ash: Greninja, Water Shuriken!!!

Grunts 1, 2, and 3: Team Skull would leave you the next timeeee!!!

"Ash had successfully defeated Team Skull."

Ash: Way a go, Greninja.

"Greninja suddenly comes to Ash and hugs him."

Ash: Yeah, It's been a while.

Serena: well, here's Greninja's Pokeball

Ash: Oh nice but how did you reunite with Greninja?

Serena: I was in Kalos before coming here and when I was going outside. I met Sanpei and we both went to the Ninja Village to Celebrate the Festival. There Sanpei challenged me to battle and when I was about to Release Delphox, Greninja came and wanted to battle.

Ash: Oh ok, who won the battle?

Serena: well, it was a tough battle but we won in the end and Greninja requested me to join the team until we meet you.

Ash: Oh, That's nice... Well then Serena...

"Ash takes a deep breath and then"

Ash: Before Team Skull rudely interrupted, there was something I wanted to say to you.

Serena:*blushing* What is it, Ash?

Ash: *nervously* Serena, under this Alolan moon, with the sound of the waves, I want you to know that... I love you.

Serena: *surprised but overjoyed* Ash, I love you too!

"Ash felt happy and tears formed in his eyes."

Serena: I loved you since the first day we met in Professor Oak's Summer Camp. Your Attitude, kindness and lovely nature towards not only Pokemon but People also. you are the reason, I started my Journey in the First place. My goal was to be Kalos Queen not dream... because you are my dream.

Ash:*Happily* So will you be my Girlfriend???

Serena:*Jumps towards Ash* YES, YES, YESSS!!!

"They share a heartfelt moment under the Alolan moon, sealing their confession with a kiss before continuing their journey together."

Ash: Well, It's late.

Serena: Yeah, It is...I'll be going then.

"Ash suddenly grabs Serena's hand and pulls her towards him."

Ash:* whispers* How about we sleep at Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet's house together, tonight?

Serena: *Blushing* What about Mom?

Ash: She is staying at a Hotel with Goh and Chloe.

Serena:*Blushing* As you say, my Knight in Shining armour.

"Ash and Serena then proceed to go to Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet's house to sleep, when suddenly."

Prof Kukui: Welcome back, Ash and Serena.

Ash & Serena: Aaah...Alola Professor, Where's Prof Burnet?

Prof Kukui: She and Lei are asleep.

Ash: Oh ok.

Serena: Ashy, where should we sleep?

Ash: Upstairs.

Prof Kukui: Well, There is only One Room but it would be fine for you two, Lovebirds.

Ash & Serena:*Blushing* Lovebirds!!!

Prof Kukui: Yeah, I saw the whole thing.

Ash: The whole thing???

Prof Kukui: Yes, Each and Everything.

"Serena couldn't bear the Embarrassment that she pulled Ash Upstairs with her."

Prof Kukui: Well Goodnight, Lovebirds.

"Serena continues dragging Ash Upstairs and then Shuts the Door."

Prof Kukui: Well, Young Love is very beautiful.


See you soon


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