Reunion Battle At The Ninja Village

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"Serena Yvonne has returned to Kalos and while going back to Vaniville Town, she encounters formed Kalos Queen Aria and gets advice on whether she should follow her goal or dream. currently, she's browsing online for a great vacation spot."

Grace: Serena, what are you doing?

Serena: I'm looking for a good place for a vacation as I wanted to take a break with my Pokemon.

Grace: Is that so, well I have the answer for that.

"Grace then goes to one of her drawers and gives Serena a slip."

Grace: Here you go, A ticket to the Alolan Region.

Serena: The Alolan Region...That's perfect, thank you so much, Mom.

Grace: Your Welcome, Sweetie.

"After sometime"

Serena: I'll be heading out for a while, Mom.

Grace: Sure, see you later, Sweetie.

"Serena then proceeds to leave her house and walk to Lumiose City, that's when she bumped into a familiar person."

Serena: Oh I'm sorr-Sanpei is that you?

Sanpei: Oh hey, Serena. Long time no see.

Serena: Yeah, it's been a while. how are you doing?

Sanpei: I'm doing great and congrats on your result in both the Kalos Masterclass and Hoenn Grand Festival.

Serena: Thank you so much, so what are you doing here in Vanville Town?

Sanpei: Oh, I was heading to Village as the festival is going to start Today.

Serena: Oh, That's nice.

Sanpei: I have an Idea, How about you come along with me to the village to attend the festival. If you're fine and free only.

Serena: Sure, I don't mind. Thank you for the invitation.

Sanpei: Alright, Let's go.

"An Hour later, they reach Sanpei's Village, The Ninja Village where They were greeted by Sanpei's Elder brother and Village head, Ippei."

Ippei: Welcome Back Sanpei and who do we have here, Welcome back to the Village Serena. It's good to have you join us today.

Serena: The Pleasure is mine, Ippei.

Ippei: So, how are you, Sanpei?

Sanpei: I'm doing well Big Bro, how about you?

Ippei: I'm doing just fine.

Serena: If you don't mind could you explain about today's festival, Ippei?

Ippei: Sure why not, Once a year, trainers and citizens alike gather for the much-anticipated Ninja Village Festival, a celebration that brings the community together in a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity. The festival is a kaleidoscope of colours, with traditional ninja performances, dazzling Pokemon battles, and a myriad of stalls offering exotic treats and unique merchandise. The air is filled with the electrifying buzz of camaraderie as trainers showcase their prized Pokemon, exchanging tips and stories of their adventures. The festival isn't just a spectacle for Pokemon battles; it also honours the region's rich cultural heritage, with traditional ceremonies and competitions that pay homage to the ninja legacy. As dusk settles, the village transforms into a magical realm, illuminated by lanterns and the glow of Pokemon. The Ninja Village Festival is a testament to the enduring spirit of community and the deep bond between Pokemon and their trainers in this enchanting corner of the Pokemon world.

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