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"And do you promise to be proficient and have good etiquette on the train- I'm putting all my trust in you here?" Maxines mother had fussed

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"And do you promise to be proficient and have good etiquette on the train- I'm putting all my trust in you here?" Maxines mother had fussed.

She had been waiting to board the train for ages but the title of being the deputy head-teachers daughter was being profusely explained to her. She had never been trusted to go anywhere on her own due to her mischievous antics and her distaste of rules.

"Calm your tits mum- the train rides only 7 hours and you know me, I won't do anything to bad until we get to Hogwarts." She proclaimed- hand on heart.

"I will have no chat of my bosoms in a public nor private setting with my 11 year old daughter!" Minerva exclaimed. Her stern facade slightly breaking and a slight smile tugged on the edge of her lips.

Maxine snorted pulling her mum into a bone-crushing hug before bounding towards the Hogwarts Express. The aroma of the train created a whirlwind of butterflies to settle in the pit of the young girls stomach.

The chaos was so bizarre yet beautiful- the bustling of the Prefects and the Head Boys and Girls to the children alike as she was trying to find a place to settle before the long trip ahead. Traversing down the narrow corridor the rare nudge from older years trying to get to their friends she had found a carriage right at the back. Only problem being it was already occupied by one raven, long haired boy who was sat staring at what seemed to be his mother she suited a tight bun with dagger-esque cheekbones.

"Hey, hi, the names Maxine do you mind I sit in here cause well ya see the thing is there is no where else to sit seeing as this is the only semi-occupied carriage left and you've already sat here. Do you mind if I sit here- cause I can sit in the hallway-"she had started to ramble.

"Yeah, yeah take a seat," the boy had instructed, gesturing to the seat opposite himself. Maxine proceeded to sit on the bench as the boy had instructed.

"...Well whats your name?" She had begun breaking the comfortable silence after a few seconds.

"It's Sirius mate." He signified.

"Wait... your name is so serious you can't tell me?"

"No I'm serious about my name being Sirius, ya know like the star!" he went onto explain.

"Thats seriously cool your name is Sirius!"

"Well what the bloody hell are you two yattering on about; sounds like utter nonsense to me don't you agree Pete?" A spectacle wearing boy exclaimed leaning on the side of the door with a slightly shorter boy to his left who muttered a 'yes' before fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

"I'm James Potter, yeah thats right THE JAMES POTTER, part of the Potter family aka the best family to ever exist. I'm already on Stage 4 of broomstick flying classes and youngest in it."The boy exaggerated with now both hands on his hips as he boasted.

"Hey, hello I'm Peter, Peter Pettigrew, I hope you two wouldn't mind us sitting with you." He grinned a lopsided smile. Before slowly shuffling into the compartment. Followed shortly after by the cocky boy who none of the less sat in between his friend and Sirius.

"What's up with the goggles- you like you're about to go scuba diving mate...?" Maxine questioned the boy sat opposite her.

"Excuse you- Mother says I'm growing into them quite proficiently!" James exclaimed before adjusting the glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose.

Sirius chuckled before nodding, "Right, right- Mummy Dearest telling you that to help you sleep at night. Cause they sure don't look it..."

James shook his head before receiving a pat on the shoulder by Peter- "Don't worry James; I reckon you suit them very well!"

A boy approached the carriage- nerves jittering already missing the company of his mother and father. He kept his head slightly bowed to avoid the judgemental looks due to the jagged scars trailing across his face.

Knocking on the compartment door to the first 4 beats of Life On Mars?- By David Bowie, before slowly sliding the doors open. He sheepishly rubbed the nape of his neck before asserting his presents.

"HEY I'M REMUS- jesus sorry you guys were all just being really loud..." The boy yelled. A slight tint of red coated his face due to the utter embarrassment.

Sirius and James fell into a flurry of laughter before reassuring the boy it would be okay. Peter was inquisitively scanning his face- the scars that fell across Remus' skin were intriguing to the small student and he made a mental note to not ask about them cause it clearly made him uncomfortable.

Maxine on the other hand; had instantly shot up and started furiously shaking his hand. Whilst matching his energy.

"HELLO IM MAXINE IT'S LOVELY TO MEET YOU SIR REMUS...- what's your last name I don't believe you told us?"

"Lupin, it's Lupin..." He winced his shoulder slightly hurting due to the roughness of the handshake.

Alrighty then," She continued breaking the handshake then sitting down "Well come on then sit down you look like a bloody deer in head lights just standing there..."

"Ha 'Deer in Headlights' that's funny imagine being compared to a deer!" James laughed but stopped when Remus deadpanned towards him.

He slumped in the seat next to Maxine before shuffling his hands in his pockets and fishing outa pack of Exploding Snap Cards.

"Hey- do you know how to play Exploding Snap; it can waste time and I think you might enjoy it?" He questioned he had lifted his legs to cross them on the seats before twisting and turning to face Maxine.

"Do I, Maxine McGonagall, know how to play Exploding Snap? Of course I blimmin' do- it's the best game ever; aside from Quidditch and Wizards Chess." She grinned turning to face her newly acquired friend.

" She grinned turning to face her newly acquired friend

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1048 WORDS

ayisha speaks:

Sorry this chapter is kind of short

I just wanted to get the main premise

of the story of Maxine and The Marauders

relationship. I have a lot in store for Maxine and

Marlene but I hope y'all are ready for Love Triangles

and Trust Issues.

Solemnly Swear // Marlene McKinnonWhere stories live. Discover now