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Three menacing, glaring eyes stared up at Maxine. They were about to blow and she knew she had to get out of there,

Sprinting to the door, she abruptly stopped when a flaming haired Lily beat her by a second. Arms raised and blocking the exit- there was no escaping them now.

"Do you realise how much you've upset Mary? I think she deserves an apology." Lily pointed at the sniffling Mary, yet the girl looked away not wanting to make direct eye contact with Maxine.

Gulping down the embarrassment bundled within her the throat, Maxine reverted her eyes back to a tearful Mary. She couldn't stand to look at the young girls face. Inhaling, then exhaling, deeply Maxine started.

"Mary um- I'm really sorry. Me and ya know Sirius didn't mean to get you into trouble. We were just playing around, honestly we didn't mean it.." She stumbled over her words- looking at the intricate illustrations of flaxen stars moving smoothly around the outer edges of the ceiling and swirled into the middle.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS? THAT WAS PATHETIC!..." Lily started to yell; yet Maxine payed no mind to the fuming girl as her vision traced the golden loops on the cream wall. Invading all four sides of the dorm , like waves crashing and bursting. It was stunning.

At least Maxine thought so, trapped in her own thoughts she had yet to realise the looks of discontent on two of the other three girls. Sighing loudly, Marlene strode forward and waved a hand in front of Maxines face.

"Hello-oo, you need to apologise to Mary properly. That pathetic excuse of an apology was awful!" she said with repugnance.

Snapping out of her trance, her eyes made contact with a beautiful pair of hazel eyes. With sage speckled along the brown like mud eyes like rain. Expansive and wondrous. Smiling lightly once again, Maxine turned to Mary.

"Hey Mary- I'm sincerely sorry for everything i have done. It was never my intentions to hurt you. Is that good enough?"

"YES!" Lily and Marlene exasperatingly yelled.

Looking at the girls who stood before her, she finally understood what she had done wrong. It took Maxine a while to come to terms with the fact she was wrong. Stubborn, I know! Yet the young girl found herself not being able to grasp the concept of when to stop joking around.

"Well uh- if it's alright with you lot I'm going to go  to sleep cause quite frankly I am exhausted. So nighty-night!" she grinned before flopping onto her bed.

Already over the girls antics they left the room- turning the light off as they did so. Closing her ideas she bundled herself in the comfort of the duvets provided by Hogwarts.

Yet there was this feeling, not noticeable if you weren't paying attention. Festering inside of her, making her feels almost nauseous. It grew and it grew until she couldn't take it anymore. Rising from her lying position, she grabbed her dressing gown and made a beeline for the door.

Pulling it open and rushing down the stairs, she found the three girls she was to be sharing a dorm with sat on the Common Room sofa giggling and laughing as it seemed Marlene had told a joke.

Glancing from left to right, Maxine cleared her throat to make her presence known. Then went on a 20 second coughing fit because she underestimated how roughly she cleared her throat.

Recovering quickly she looked back up. Marlene, Lily and Mary stared with utter concern. Laughing nervously under their gaze, Maxine started.

"I understand that I hurt you Mary- and for that I am severely sorry. I could see the consequences of my actions and yet still decided to go through with them because I believed it would be funny. Now I understand that you may not be able to forgive and that it perfectly fine- but please take into consideration that I do genuinely feel astronomically bad." She finished and took a deep breath and smiled at them.

"Awww I can't stay mad at you," started Mary as she ran towards Maxine "Thank you for apologising- we didn't mean to make you feel bad Max, honest!"

She wrapped her arms around the taller girl, who stood rigidly as she did so. Her face turning a bright red as she patted Mary's head in solidarity.

"Uh yeah, no problem. I'm gonna be on my way now. See ya!" Maxine grabbed Mary's hands put them by the girls sides patted them then ran back up the stairs.

Swiftly getting into her dorm, she breathed a sigh of relief before fist pumping the air. She knew those hours her mum had put into making her learn how to apologise correctly would come in useful!

AHHH i finally finished this chapter. Took me a while lmao cause i'm kinda lazy.😩‼️ But I hope you liked this. And don't be a ghost reader- i love interacting with you guys ((: <3 this hasn't been edited so sorry for any mistakes <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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