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Maxine happily jumped off of the Hat Stool

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Maxine happily jumped off of the Hat Stool. Her excitement shone on her face as she approached the Gryffindor Table. Doing a little shuffle to celebrate her minuscule victory.

As she sat down she quickly high fived Remus and Sirius as they all grinned at each other. James was preoccupied with talking to Peter about the food they'd be dining on.

"I reckon they'll have us eating Frog Legs by the end of the year- the schools named after a pig after all!" Theorised Peter earning a laugh from Remus who had- before Peters declaration- been tapping his wand on the edge of the table as he hummed a small song to himself. A song he had grown fond of as his mother had sung it to him growing up.

'Run Rabbit, Run Rabbit, Run, Run, Run.
Bang, Bang, Bang, bang goes the farmer with his gun'

His mother had turned it into a sort-of ritual to sing him the song before bed. Though the lyrics were- in a sense- morbid. He still found comfort in the calmness of the song. It was a funny contrast from the words you speak and the way you say them.

"I highly doubt they'd make you eat Frog Leg -" Started Remus before being abruptly interrupted by an earnest voice.

"If I may have everyone's attention. I would like to preface the fact no student is allowed to approach the Whomping Willow under any circumstances. Even under the influence of a dare- not after the incident of Christmas 1967." Proclaimed Dumbledore. A stern look plastered on his face- made to intimidate everyone.

"Well that's it- tuck in!" He announced the seriousness on his visage falling off in an instant a smile breaking through.

"Mental- I'm telling you. Why does he think planting a dangerous tree on bloody school grounds is a safe idea." Questioned a Ginger. She had- to her left- a mixed raced young girl with thick black hair which fell to her shoulders and to her right a blonde haired Filipino girl who was excitedly awaiting the food which Dumbledore had delayed a few minutes due to difficultly in the kitchens.

"I think it's rather cool- don't you? I mean a tree with swinging branches pretty bad ass if you ask me." Exclaimed the Blonde. Laughing to herself.

Maxine was startled by her voice. Never had she heard someone with quite as loud voice as she had. She also seemed to have the same demeanour as Maxine which sort of scared her in hindsight.

"You may now dine on the feast." Said Dumbledore- his voice projecting across The Great Hall.

"He can say that again- I'm ravenous. I swear to god I could eat a horse." Declared Maxine. Grabbing the chicken legs, mashed potato, carrot and swede mash, and Yorkshire Puddings and piled her plate high. Even though she had eaten on the train only half an hour before she was absolutely starving.

Solemnly Swear // Marlene McKinnonWhere stories live. Discover now