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After an excruciatingly long 7 hours- accompanied by 9 toilet trips, 5 in which being James after the Bertie Botts Every Flavoured Beans incident

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After an excruciatingly long 7 hours- accompanied by 9 toilet trips, 5 in which being James after the Bertie Botts Every Flavoured Beans incident. A train carriage full of bumbling First Years were fashioning their new robes for rudimentary time.

Sure James' and Peter's were a bit to big for them- evident by the way they had to roll up the sleeves to their elbows claiming it made them look cool after a taunting from Sirius and Maxine. And the ridiculous way the taunting duo were parading around the compartment flowing the back of their robes out; declaring it made them look royal as Remus rolled his eyes at their stupid antics.

The only person in that carriage who looked semi-normal was Remus. Who was styling his Fathers, Lyall Lupins, old robes. Sure they were a bit scorched and burnt on the end of the sleeves but they still did the job well. In fact Remus took pride in the fact that his Father had given him his old Hogwarts Robes. He sat with his Worn out Fantastic Mr Fox book in hand trying to drown out the sound of Maxine's and Sirius' awful rendition of 'I can't get next to you'- by The Temptations.

It got so awful in fact that the Prefects from Slytherin, Demetrius Pine and Morana Jones, had to frighten them with a detention before school even started. That's where Maxines 'McGonagall privileges' (as she liked to call them) came in handy. She used the old 'Do you think my mum would be happy if she found out you two were giving out un-solicited detentions. Anyways don't you need permission from Head Of House to give us detentions?' This easily scared the pair off.

The train finally came to a stop making Peter squeak in surprise. He had been having the time of his life talking to James about Quidditch. Though the boy young boy didn't understand much of the Sport he still liked seeing his best friend happy. And that's all that mattered to him.

"Well get off you backsides you three," Maxine yelled already half way out of the compartment "we've got a sorting ceremony to attend and I reckon we are the guests of honour Sirius!"

"Yeah, and why's that" the boy questioned quirking an eyebrow up in confusion.

"Cause we will be kicked out of the pigsty in twenty minutes, tops!"

Her statement made James rise to his feet proclaiming "Make that three of us then!"

Peter wanting to be included in his newly found friends silliness he declared to them "Well pip, pip tally ho my friends, we have places to be and people to see."

They all turned to Remus expecting him to say something as he looked up from his books "oh for gods sakes of course I'm in- I'm gonna regret this, aren't I?"

"Well what's life with out a bit of a risk Lupin? Eh, you see you only live once and we have to make the most of it." Maxine voiced before grabbing the handoff the two boys closes to her, them being Peter and James, and ran off forcing them to stumble after her.

Solemnly Swear // Marlene McKinnonWhere stories live. Discover now