Chapter 7 - Playing The Devil

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Mr. Lordi watched the incoming army of demons descend from the sky and then he once again looked at their leader.

"Who are you?" he demanded,

The demon girl laughed. "I am Evilyn! Feared by many and I am a devil's daughter by heart!"

Mr. Lordi drew his battleaxe, "Be ready my friends! This is just the beginning!"

The other monsters were already ready to fight.

"Very well Evilyn, but I cannot allow you to take Lapland again! Your minions have already caused enough trouble back then, and now you return wanting more," Mr. Lordi said.

Evilyn laughed once again. "Mr. Lordi, oh you have not seen enough power from us to realize that you cannot defeat us. When you were just a mere child my father who led the first invasion in Lapland warned us about the bastard son of both sides. We were to look out for him and ensure he would not survive. But he did, and escaped! You know this is you that I speak of. We were supposed to be in an alliance but due to my father's wishes involving a desire for power, and held hatred for your ancestors. Why should we let the trolls and other monsters reign supreme in Lapland like they always have? We demons have been second place for far too long! It is time for us to take from you what is rightfully ours no matter what!"

Mr. Lordi grew angrier inside and Evilyn looked at him blinking her eyes as if trying to drop a hint towards him that he could not figure out and then she gave the command. "Attack!" She ordered, and then the demons came flying towards them.
Evilyn watched from above as her army began to attack. Mr. Lordi and his allies spread out into the woods hoping to stay out of the wide open space on the large frozen lake.

"Do not let them escape! Spare the Lord if you can!" Evilyn barked at her minions.

Mr. Lordi knew they were outnumbered and wished he had more help but nothing was going to stop him from running away from the fight. He turned around to the nearest demon that was landing on the ground and began charging towards him. Mr. Lordi planted his axe in the ground and something began to shake the ground around him. The approaching beast began to lose its balance slightly and then suddenly a shockwave burst out at knocked the creature over. Mr. Lordi pulled his axe out of the ground. My greatest power relies on my body and soul not my weapon. Where is it when I need it? He thought as he looked around to see how the others were doing.

Awa was pinned down by twenty demons and had no idea how to take them out. Mr. Lordi watched in horror as one of them attempted to tackle her to the ground but to his surprise, Awa suddenly screamed so loud that the demons fell over like dominoes and were knocked out unconscious.

Funny, how does she do that? Mr. Lordi wondered as he began to focus on more of the incoming creatures. I wish I did not pick a fight with my own ancestors earlier, he thought, as he turned to look at Amen who pinned one of the larger demons to the ground. Amen growled in anger and plunged his hand deep into the chest of the large creature. The demon screamed in agony as blood began to spurt out a little. Finally after digging deeper, Amen yanked his hand out ripping out the demon's heart all covered in blood in his hand. The demon collapsed silently and bled to death.

Kita and OX were nearly in the same situation that Awa was in earlier. Kita had jumped from a tree and bit the head off one of the demons that tried to pull him out upside down. OX was on a rampage charging through tons of demons with his horns knocking them over. Mr. Lordi felt even more impressed; his allies were strong but soon they may not be able to stand forever. Enary was screaming in anger as she attacked one of the larger demons single handed. She was a fierce warrior without a doubt but Mr. Lordi did not believe that she was fighting the right way. She charged forward and attempted to annihilate any enemy in her path.

G-Stealer, Kalma, and Magnum were sticking together on the fight and each of them had their own ability. Mr. Lordi turned to focus on the incoming demons and chopped a few in half and reduced two others into ashes. He was also intrigued by the way Evilyn was watching him as he turned to look at her for a short while. She was looking at him back the whole time and smiling almost as if admiring his strength. Mr. Lordi turned away shaking his head knowing that whatever she was thinking it was not going to happen. She will never be what she wants to be, Mr. Lordi thought as he attacked another group of demons that were now spitting fire at him.
Mr. Lordi jumped from side to side to dodge the fireballs. These creatures were a lot stronger than the previous once. Evilyn's stronger forces were now approaching and overwhelming them. Mr. Lordi began to realize that he and his comrades were not strong enough to win this time. Awa was screaming again only this time in pain, Amen was knocked over against a pile of trees, and Kita and OX were pinned down by the stronger set of demons and were surrounded by a ring of fire which was now starting to melt the snow around them.

Enary was unconscious due to one of the flames shot in her chest and Magnum was trying to wake her. G-Stealer and Kalma were close to being on fire. For a moment Mr. Lordi felt himself go into silence as he fought his way through the second set of demons chopping them or pulling them away. The silence took everything away from his mind except for the future; he spotted his old friends fleeing from the fight until suddenly a bolt of lightning shot the owl out of the sky and it crumpled to the ground. The three reindeer which were now fleeing deeper into the woods began to catch fire and were burnt to their death right before Mr. Lordi's eyes.

"NO!" He screamed as he watched his old friends die right in front of him. Then as the silence in his mind continued as he fought his way through another wave he felt his hopes fading. He ran towards the demons that pinned Amen down and severed all five of them in half with his axe instantly. Then he went for Awa's targets that were trying to attack her. Awa got up in time to shatter them all to pieces before Mr. Lordi could reach her.

"Help the others!" She told him. Mr. Lordi went for his other comrades who were surrounded.
Mr. Lordi fought his way through the wave of demons towards his surrounded comrades. He plunged his axe deep into the flesh of three demons at once that were cornering OX who was recently wounded by some of the fire attacks. OX was back on his feet again and charged over to save G-Stealer and Kalma. Mr. Lordi quickly ran towards where Kita was pinned down. Kita had bitten his way through the throat of one of the demons and then was slowly recharging. Mr. Lordi jumped into the fight and chopped off the heads of the two demons that were closing in on Kita.

"Give a hand to Magnum and Enary would you?" He asked.

Kita nodded in obedience. Mr. Lordi felt like he had taken down every enemy around him now, but part of him felt like there was something missing. He knew that he needed his true power to help him win but it was not coming. He wanted to summon it and unleash it on Evilyn in hopes of bringing her down or stalling her long enough to gain more strength to win the war but it was not working. Mr. Lordi looked at Evilyn once again who was still gazing at him in a rather peculiar way. Mr. Lordi shut his eyes for a moment and tried to build his inner strength hoping that his true supernatural power would come but it did not. He opened his eyes again to find himself standing in the middle of the fight were his comrades were slaughtering demons in all directions.

Suddenly Evilyn descended from the sky. "ENOUGH!"

Mr. Lordi looked at her again. "I have watched you fight and I am disappointed! Mr. Lordi you are foolish! But there is something you should know. I know the perfect way this must be settled." Evilyn snarled. Mr. Lordi stepped forward.

"Then tell me how."

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