Chapter 9 - Call Off The Wedding

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Mr. Lordi woke up instantly with his eyes popping open wide to look at the clear blue sky of Lapland. He quickly got to his feet and looked around. He was back in Lapland instead of falling into darkness. It was only a dream; just a dream but also a nightmare. Why am I experiencing this? He asked himself as he looked around and turned to face the sky again.

Then he realized that today was the day that Evilyn would force him into marriage and he still needed time to plan a way to stop this from happening. Awa came over to him again.

"Are you all right, you were dreaming were you not?" 

Mr. Lordi nodded silently,

Awa stood beside him, "You know, I have an idea of how we can stop this wedding from happening. Will you listen to my suggestion?"

Mr. Lordi looked at her and nodded again,

"Evilyn may seem like a smart demon but that does not mean we can attempt to fool her. I suggest that you pretend to accept her demand and pretend to play along. When it comes the time to saying the vows that is when you signal us to come and crash the party. It is a simple plan yes but I know it will work."

Mr. Lordi looked silently at Awa and then thought about it for a little bit. It does seem like a harmless plan to me, he thought.

"Awa if we do that then where are we going to go afterwards? We start another fight and she will hunt us down until we are all dead," Mr. Lordi cautioned,

Awa nodded this time, "Yes it is a risk Mr. Lordi but would you rather be fighting her or being bonded with someone you do not love like her?"

Mr. Lordi felt his confidence come back, "You are right, let us prepare." he said.

Mr. Lordi gathered his monsters together to make a plan. "Evilyn will be waiting for us and for me to make my decision but Awa here has a plan. Is that right Awa?"

Awa stepped forward, "If we pretend to go around with Evilyn's desire it will be easy enough for us to trick her. Mr. Lordi and I shall participate in the ceremony and remain undercover. The rest of you can sneak in during the event and once the signal is given we shall disrupt the wedding. Mr. Lordi we will leave it to you to call off the wedding. After that we need to find a safe place to live in Lapland until the time is right. Mr. Lordi how long do you want us to remain hidden in the aftermath?"

The others turned to look at Mr. Lordi, "I need as much time as I need. I will find the presence of another world and perhaps that is where my one true love is to be found. But I fear entering another world to find her will put her world in danger. In order to protect her kind from this war I have decided to create a myth of false war. It may seem like it is happening but in reality it is not," Mr. Lordi said.

The other monsters exchanged looks as if wondering how doing something like that was going to help but Mr. Lordi had a look on his face as if he knew what he was doing.

Later that day Mr. Lordi was informed to meet Evilyn in the meadow of the woods for the wedding ceremony. He was confident that his plan was going to work. As the other monsters remained hidden; Mr. Lordi walked into the meadow; the only meadow that existed in Lapland and it was not pretty at all. The meadow was empty with no flowers or any other signs of beauty. But to his surprise there was a long carpet spread out from one side of the meadow to the other.

Mr. Lordi looked around and then saw groups of demons carrying flower bouquets and some of them were wearing dresses. Mr. Lordi look disgusted at this, he was expecting young flower girls to be a combination of cute and cuddly plus brute and ugly but he was wrong.

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