Chapter 2 - Amen's Lament to Ra

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Mr. Lordi never felt himself moving so fast than he had thought he would. He felt like something was overcoming him like a new power he had never discovered before. He knew he needed his allies but wherever they were he did not know where to start. They could be anywhere in the world, or maybe in another dimension, or maybe even another time.

Mr. Lordi concentrated on the forest ahead of him and his monstrous heart pounded with determination and to his surprise the reindeer began to gallop faster and the owl flew away.

"Where are you going?" He beckoned, but the owl was already gone.

Suddenly something opened right in front of the sleigh that looked like a portal. The sleigh sped up even faster and then the reindeer disappeared. Mr. Lordi noticed his surroundings were starting to disintegrate as he entered the portal. What is this? What is happening? He thought as suddenly his sleigh disappeared as the portal's path was all he could see now. He felt as if he was being pulled in by a force like no other. Then the portal closed behind him and all that of Lapland that he knew of and grew up in was gone.

As Mr. Lordi flew through the portal he began to think of where he was being taken. Would he find his allies, would he find something as grand as love one day? Only time is going to answer that to me. Then he began to realize what was coming to him. I must be taken somewhere where other monsters will gather, I want to be their leader to help me end this war before it starts up again, he told himself and then he closed his eyes as he saw a light up ahead. Everything went black as he was approaching the end of the ride. The light faded and Mr. Lordi opened his eyes to find himself descending from the portal. He landed down in a pit of soft sand and he looked around.

Sand dunes were seen everywhere and dust was blowing in the air. It did not take long for Mr. Lordi to realize that he was in a desert. He saw the open area and found no signs of life anywhere until he discovered a hole in the ground. It was a rather unusual hole that was shaped like a square like it was perfectly dug. Mr. Lordi walked over to the hole and gazed down into it. It was pitch dark but he was not afraid; he carefully stepped down the nearby sand dune and jumped into the hole.

The darkness swallowed Mr. Lordi as he descended and landed at on stone floor. But he did not feel it would completely prevent from seeing where he was going. A light was seen in the darkness in the tunnel in front of him. The walls were painted with ancient hieroglyphics that seemed to tell a story. Mr. Lordi examined the paintings in the light from the nearby torch that lit his way.

There was a painting of a pharaoh sitting on his throne and surrounding him were many wives and children. He seems to think of himself as a God, Mr. Lordi thought, and then he turned to look at the next painting. This one showed a picture of the same pharaoh standing high above the entire city below him once again encompassed by his wives and children, but now there were citizens too, as if indicating that he was rising to ultimate power. This is someone I could use to help me.

Mr. Lordi turned to look at the next painting that showed the same pharaoh being defeated by an unidentifiable force and then being mummified. What great enemy would be able to kill such a powerful monarch? Mr. Lordi glanced at the hieroglyphics one last time and then realized that is dark tunnel he was in must be the tomb of this God. Such strength inside him, maybe I can awaken him, Mr. Lordi thought. Then he followed the torches and went deeper into the tunnels of the tomb.

Mr. Lordi continued to walk forward and picked up the sound of things crawling. He had heard stories of bugs called scarabs that were thought to only exists in myths, unless he was wrong. Mr. Lordi was far too brave to worry about insects scuttling underground; he had been through worse. The tomb split into several different paths, and Mr. Lordi stopped to examine each way. Where would the heart of a tomb be found where this great one lies? Left with no choice but to pick a tunnel, he chose the one that was wider than the other three. He walked silently down the open shaft and more torches were seen burning. To Mr. Lordi he felt as if people had been down here and had lit the way for him, or they had just buried this person not too long ago and the torches had not burnt out yet.

Mr. Lordi could not ignore the fact that the silence was starting to get to him; the tomb was so quiet and not one sound had been heard since the sound of the scarabs was heard scuttling within the walls. I must be nearing the end, Mr. Lordi thought, and sure enough he was right when he saw a much brighter light up ahead, and then he walked into a wide open room with more beacons, ancient statues, four pillars with hieroglyphics and a sarcophagus in the center of the room atop the dais.

Mr. Lordi walked towards the sarcophagus and traced the surface of it. It was gold and engraved with writings in a language that Mr. Lordi did not understand. Everything seemed quiet at first as Mr. Lordi glanced at the five canopic jars lined up in front of it. Mr. Lordi lifted the sarcophagus open and saw the corpse: It looked like it was three thousand years old and his face was severely damaged only his teeth where visible for it had no lips. I must find a way to awaken him if that is even possible. Then he picked up one of the jars and looked at it, but to his surprise the jar broke in his hands and the pieces fell to the ground. Mr. Lordi stepped back as the ground began to shake and then the other canopic jars fell and shattered. But there were no organs inside them, instead there was just ash. Mr. Lordi was astonished and he looked down at the broken pieces at his feet. Then without warning, the corpse in the sarcophagus awakened, grabbed Mr. Lordi by the throat, and slammed him against the wall.

Mr. Lordi struggled to get free. "Stop! I am here to help you!" He shouted.

"Who disturbs my rest? Is it you?" The mummy asked with a snarl.

Mr. Lordi felt himself at no disadvantage at all and then he used his free arm to pull the creature away knocking him back towards his coffin. The creature moaned in anger and did not feel any pain as he rose up to watch as Mr. Lordi approached him.

"I am Mr. Lordi, the lord of Lapland. I need your help. The trans-dimensional war is going to return, it is the most feared war from all and if I do not stop it then this world and all we know it will be destroyed. I cannot do this alone, I need someone on my side that knows the past well and cannot be harmed. Someone like you," Mr. Lordi said.

The mummy grimaced. "The trans-dimensional war? So it is real. When will it return?"

"One day, I know it is close," Mr. Lordi replied,

"My name is Amen-Ra, I was once a God, until my power fell and I was mummified. Look at me, I have lost everything. I have lost my wives and children. I cannot believe this would happen to me,"

Mr. Lordi thought of his rough past as the same experience. "You are not alone Amen. We have all gone through these kinds of things. Only if we work together can we bring peace and defeat our enemies. Will you join me?" he walked closer to Amen and then let a hand down.

Amen looked at the ceiling which was now shaking  and then he took Mr. Lordi's hand and stood up. "Yes, we need to get out of here. This place is collapsing and is set to do so if I am reawakened," He cautioned,

"Then show me the way out."

Amen ran for the tunnel across from the one Mr. Lordi came in. "This way!"

Mr. Lordi followed just as the stone pillars began to collapse in the tomb's central chamber. The dust was starting to make it difficult for Mr. Lordi to see, but he managed to make out Amen running in front of him. The duo continued to sprint through the collapsing chambers which were getting narrower. Mr. Lordi had never ran so fast in his life and as soon as a light was visible he ran even faster almost passing Amen until the two of them broke out of the darkness and into the desert's daylight. The collapsing tunnel sealed them out.

"Thank you Amen," Mr. Lordi said.

"You need not to thank me. I have to thank you for realizing what I was born to do. If it were not for you then I would have spent more than those three thousand years rotting and resting down there. I shall help you in the trans-dimensional war against your enemies Mr. Lordi. You have my word,"

Mr. Lordi smiled, "We must go to another time. I have learned to travel between different times and only that way can we find our allies wherever they are,"

"As you wish." Amen said.

Mr. Lordi had no need to figure out how to summon his time portal now. Within a matter of seconds a dark vortex appeared in front of them. He walked inside and Amen followed. They vanished from the desert towards wherever they were going next.

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