Chapter 5 - Alien Man Beast

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Mr. Lordi began to feel that his journey was going to end soon. He did not know if had many other places left to go until he was ready to face the enemy. The portal which was carrying him to another time period and as usual, he wondered where he was being taken now.

He had been to ancient times, the 1700s, and the beginning of time. All I know is that I can trust my allies, he told himself as the portal reached its end. Then he stepped out into a bright shaft of sunlight that was quickly covered up by gray clouds. He looked around and found himself standing in snow. Am I back in Lapland already? He thought as he walked down the path towards the view ahead of him and found no trace of his old friends which made him realize that this was not Lapland. Mr. Lordi looked over the edge of the cliff to see hundreds of mountains and he was standing on one of them. Then the wind began to increase in speed.

Snow started to fall as the sky turned from white to gray. Mr. Lordi looked up and sensed a storm was on the way. He remembered dealing with many blizzards back in Lapland that were harsh and ceaseless.

Now seeing a blizzard on the way before him reminded him of the last time he dealt with a storm in Lapland: It lasted for nearly five days and Mr. Lordi found himself curled up inside a large hut in front of the fire and he slept for most of the time. But when he awoke on the fifth day he found himself enraged that the blizzard had notnended. Summoning his rage the hut caught fire and set the surrounding trees ablaze casting a symbol that only he was familiar with. It could be viewed from bird's eye as it burned in the forest all through the day and night. Soon as the tipping point came when Mr. Lordi allowed his devilish wings to expand on his back the fire suddenly burst like an explosion and a vortex was formed around him, letting all the darkness out.

Soon when it disappeared for an unknown purpose the blizzard subsided and Mr. Lordi was now standing in an open space with burnt down trees and a clear night sky. In the end he began to wonder: Did I do this? Is this part of my power? But Mr. Lordi had very little control over this power ever since that day which was three centuries ago just a few months after he fled to the Northern regions of Lapland. He did feel as if he had a little more control over it when he used it to defeat the troll in Lapland before entering the time portal for the first time, but deep inside, he knew that he was far from having full control over this supernatural power.

The flashback of that day in Lapland left his mind abruptly. The wind was now stronger than ever increasing to a powerful gale and blew right in his face. Mr. Lordi began walking slowly up the path on the mountain's edge and waited for a sign hoping that maybe his power would return to him again but he was also afraid of causing too much noise that would start an avalanche.

He kept walking slowly and continued to resist the cold breeze on his face as much as he could. The sky grew darker as the blizzard continued to rage and Mr. Lordi began to have trouble seeing where he was going. The path was narrow and the chances of falling were high; Mr. Lordi could not afford to lose his balance, but the snow blowing in his face made that task of him getting to a safe place impossible and a chance of him falling to a greater risk.

He walked slower now resisting the cold even more, but he felt like his face was frozen at this point; until he turned to his left believing that that was the right way to go and then at that moment he no longer felt the wind blowing in his face. Mr. Lordi lowered his arm which he was using to shield himself from the wind and found himself inside a small cave. He walked deeper inside and sat down against a small rock. At least I have shelter now, he thought as he leaned his head up against the rock wall and shut his eyes.

Sometime later, Mr. Lordi opened his eyes and looked out the cave's exit. The sky had now cleared up and there was sunlight shining over the mountains across from him. Now I can proceed, he thought as he stood up and walked out of the cave, eager to continue down the path. As he began walking again he felt much better. The warmth from the cave was almost a healing power to him when it came to freezing in the cold, even though he wished that he could have also stopped the blizzard with that power he used to stop one last time.

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