Epilogue - Devil Is A Loser

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As the night passed, Mr. Lordi remained hidden in the shadows. He was unable to sleep and he gazed at the moon which was peeking through the trees. The sky in this world seemed to be exactly the same as it was in Lapland but Mr. Lordi was not thinking of his home. He was thinking of Emily. He knew she was asleep now and the time to confront her was coming; he was thinking of a plan to confront her. It should not be done the way humans do it. I must do this my own way and allow her time for her feelings to grow, he thought, and then he remembered his idea of a fake myth. Perhaps I should convince her to bond with me or else her people die. Then I tell her the real story when she accepts. But how could anyone even her love someone like me?  She likes hard rock music, what if I first present myself to her as something she enjoys and then come back to her later on? Mr. Lordi wondered as he felt his eyes getting drowsy from staring at the sky. He was sitting down by the river close to Emily's home. No one knew he was there and prayed no one would find him.

Tomorrow night I shall do it, but I will not do it alone, he told himself and even though he vowed to not rest until he had bonded with her, he decided just for tonight he would rest.
Morning came fast and Mr. Lordi woke up with the sun in his face,

"Mr. Lordi we are here, we are ready. Do you have a plan?" A voice was heard in front of him,

Mr. Lordi got to his feet to find Amen, Awa, OX, and Kita in front of him,

"The others are back in Lapland preparing for the fight. We will help you get her," Amen said, Mr. Lordi shook his head,

"I have already found her, she is wonderful. Her name is Emily; she is more beautiful than any of the other female humans in this world," he said, smiling romantically,

"Is she unique?" Awa asked as Mr. Lordi looked at the sky.

"Unique in every way, it is like love at first sight. I know how to confront her but I need your help,"

Kita stepped forward, "Count me in!"

Awa, Amen, and OX nodded in agreement,

"Good you are all in. Now I have learned something about Emily, she has a thing for rock and metal music. I will present myself to her in some way that appeals to her interest and once I have her attention we shall do this the monster way," Mr. Lordi said, "What is the monster way?" OX asked. Mr Lordi stroked his beard. "Now that is the way we confess love. I have just the idea how to do it. You will find out later." He informed them. "I hope you know what you are doing." Awa said. Mr. Lordi gave Awa a look and smiled and as if he knew exactly what he was going to do.
Later that day while Mr. Lordi was sitting by the river summarizing his plan, Awa came up to him, "Mr. Lordi I have learned that Emily was supposed to go to a rock concert tonight but is about to bail out because the band cannot make it," she told him,

Mr. Lordi immediately snapped out of his thoughts, "Brilliant Awa! We shall be the band! Do you know how to play an instrument?"

Awa jumped inside, "Good gracious Mr. Lordi I have no idea what you are thinking but I will go along with it. I can play the piano pretty well,"

Just then Amen and OX jumped in,

"I call guitar!" Amen shouted,

"Bass for me!" OX cried,

"I will do drums!" Kita added,

Mr. Lordi smiled, "Good then I shall be doing the lead vocals. I know just how we are going to get in."
That evening, Mr. Lordi and his allies arrived at the concert venue in the back entrance. There were two guards that stood tall at the doors but their mouths fell open at the sight of Mr. Lordi and the others. "Are you the rock band performing?" one of them asked, almost too terrified to speak,

Mr. Lordi nodded, "Yes we are here replacing the band that was supposed to be playing tonight. We are called uh................Lordi," Mr. Lordi said feeling a little nervous wondering if they would buy it.

The two guards exchanged looks, "Lordi eh? Cool name, go on in." the other guard said and they opened the doors.

Mr. Lordi and the others walked inside. That was almost too easy, Mr. Lordi thought as they found themselves backstage and realized that the roadies and other venue employees were staring at them.

"This is the only time we show ourselves to the public so try to act normal," Mr. Lordi reminded them.

"Everyone is staring at us," Awa whispered,

OX however did not mind being stared at; he smiled and began to walk around looking for a chat to pick up with the roadies. Kita walked over to the stage entrance and peered out to catch a view of the crowd.

"Hey Mr. Lordi good news, I see Emily, she is in the front row in the middle,"

Mr. Lordi walked over and looked. He could see Emily standing waiting for the concert to begin.

"Excellent, now here is what we are going to do. I know exactly how to get Emily's attention. Just follow my lead and pretend to act like any rock band,"

"I hope you know what you are doing." Amen replied, and then Mr. Lordi winked.

"Go get the instruments ready, it is almost time."

Amen obeyed and went to get the guitar ready.
Moments later Mr. Lordi was standing ready to sing with the microphone in his hand. He hoped that he could sing well enough to gain Emily's attention. Awa stood behind the keyboards; Kita was at the drums, Amen on guitar and OX on bass.

"Is everyone ready?" Mr. Lordi asked,

Then the others nodded as the lights came onto the stage and the curtain rose. The crowd began to cheer and Mr. Lordi looked at the hundreds of faces shouting at him. But soon it did not take long for Mr. Lordi to shift his eyes to Emily who was cheering really loud but at the same time she was shocked.

Mr. Lordi knew that the time to start performing was now. They began playing the song. Mr. Lordi opened his mouth and began to sing.

You wanted power and you begged for fame. You wanted everything the easy way. You wanted game without paying now your bill is in the mail...."

As Mr. Lordi sang he could hear the crowd cheering even louder. He could tell they were enjoying his voice. He began the chorus and sang even louder and noticed that Emily was jumping up and down happily with her hands in the air on the verge of screaming.

Then that gave him an idea. As the song continued, Mr. Lordi walked closer to the audience while singing the second verse and noticed that Emily still had her hands in the air. Then came his chance; he bent down and took both of Emily's hands. Emily's cheerful look turned into surprise as Mr. Lordi pulled her onto the stage.
As soon as Emily was on the stage Mr. Lordi disappeared from her sight along with the others. Emily grew pale with fright and looked around but held her fears inside to avoid the audience see her as a coward. Then out of nowhere Mr. Lordi appeared behind her and seized her by the waist tightly. Emily went silent and awestruck as his arms were tight around her as if his nails were going to rip her skin. Mr. Lordi took this moment to feel her. Emily was wearing a black lace dress and within that, her skin was soft and smooth as if Mr. Lordi was touching an angel.

He continued to sing the song but the crowd no longer cheered. This time the crowd was screaming in horror at the sight of seeing Emily on the stage grasped by Mr. Lordi. Then as Mr. Lordi sang the final chorus he felt the desire to turn her around and kiss her but he had no intention of doing so unless she was planning to kiss him back.

I have a better idea, he thought, and then he let his wings to expand behind him. Emily could feel her heart racing inside. Then suddenly the crowd was screaming even more at the sight of Mr. Lordi's wings then as Mr. Lordi sang the final note of the song, that was when everything went black; the crowd had disappeared, Mr. Lordi disappeared along with his allies, and all that was left in the venue was Emily standing alone in the darkness.

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