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Felicity Rose Alexander

As soon as the car stopped, I got out and went straight to my room not in the mood to face anyone. Since that whole incident happened, I haven't been in the mood to talk to anyone. The whole thing made me realize that my father abusing me after every other day wasn't a bad thing. It made me get used to the feeling and anxiousness when being hit, and so I wasn't scared or week while taking the hits. But with Xavier, I felt week when he did that, and it was probably because I wasn't abused for a long time so my brain went in panic mode. A rational part of mine screamed at me that my theory was incorrect, and that the only reason I felt week was because I did not expect Xavier to do that. But, I buried those thoughts deep down.

The only person I've been talking to is Kyle, and I'm very grateful that he came to me that night to talk. I think we both needed that talk.


'Hey, it's Kyle can I come in?' I opened the door as a response and walked back to sit opposite of the window. Kyle removed his weapons and sat next to me keeping an arm length distance between us. After a long comfortable silence, he decided to speak.

'When I was 5, my dad passed away. He was my best friend, my partner in crime, and I loved him more than anything or anyone. I-,' he took a deep breath.

'Kyle you don't have to,'

'But I want to. You're a great person Felicity and I like talking to you. And no don't worry I don't have a crush on you or something, but if you do then,' he wiggled his eyebrows in suggestion. I slightly laughed at his childish behavior before he continued, 'You're like the older sister I always wanted but never had. He passed away when I was 5 and every single fucking person told me that it was an accident. That he was shot 3 times during a robbery, and I believed them because for fucks sake I was 5. My mom remarried not even a month after my dad's funeral. I loved my mom too, but that was only until I found out that she was the reason of my dad's death. I was an accident. My mom had a one night stand with my dad, and my dad agreed to support her for her life, but my mom loved another man. When my dad refused to give up my custody, my mom's boyfriend ordered a hit on my dad. That's how he died. My stepfather was the one who introduced me to the mafia. He wanted me to become an assassin, so he abused me by calling it training. I always fought back when he ordered his men on me, because I was better in technical shit and I offered him my skills but he was keen on making me an assassin. After 5 years, one night when him and my mom were outside for their anniversary, I hacked into all of his systems and exposed all his files about his shipments and future plans. I took the information and weapons I found useful and ran away. I was on the run for almost 6 months. I made money by stealing shipments from my stepfather's port and selling it to suitable buyers. That's how I met Xavier. I tried double crossing him by giving half the amount and getting the full money. Once I told them I was my stepfather's son, Xavier brought me to his house and gave me a chance to prove myself, and here I am now.'

'Who was your stepfather?'

'Nicholas Vandal.' I snapped my head towards Kyle, staring at him wide eyes.

'You were the one who helped Xavier DeSantio take down his biggest rival, and the stepson of the world's most psychotic person.'

'That's Kyle Denario for you,' he said winking at me.

End of flashback

After that, we just talked about anything that would make us both feel better. I smiled at the memories of that night; it was like a breeze of fresh air that we both desperately needed. I removed my jewelry and make up, before taking my clothes and jumping in the shower. I sighed standing under the warm water. Today was eventful and a perfect day to take my frustration out. I'm not exactly mad at anyone or anything, but I'm just in a weird state. Like I don't know how to explain it. I'm mad at myself, but at the same time I'm not because none of this is my fault. I did not choose for my life to be like this. A part of me also knows that there's no point of thinking about all this because what's done is done, I can't change the past. I took a long time in the shower until my fingertips got numb to be exact. I changed and applied some moisturizer before walking out. The first thing I noticed was the figure staring out the bedroom window, and the bouquet of roses.

'Mr. DeSantio, what a pleasure having you in my room at 1 am. What do I owe to this pleasant surprise?' I said using his lines against him and walking to the vanity. Mary gave me a skin care routine to follow recently and I kept forgetting what cream or serum to use first. 'Was this supposed to be first or was it this?' I mumbled to myself. After thinking about 2 mins, I chose the one I thought was right and continued doing the rest. I stood up and turned around after a few minutes to see Xavier directly staring at me.

I raised an eyebrow at him with a questioning glance. 'Mr. DeSantio are you okay? Is there something-,' before I could complete, he was in front of me staring at me. I didn't move an inch and simply gazed at him back.

'Fuck it,' he said more to himself than me. With that he connected his lips with mine. It started off as a soft, slow kiss, but the longer we went, the soft feeling faded into an urgency. His lips were soft against mine, and I gradually melted in it. My hands found their way up to his hair, and he took this as an opportunity to put his hands beneath my thighs and pick me up. Our kiss deepened for a short time before we pulled away. Both of us breathing heavily.



'I'm so fucking sorry for what I did earlier. I swear I didn't mean anything I said earlier. I was just- fuck I was really frustrated, and I didn't think twice before taking my anger at you. I'm so sorry Felicity, I really am.'

'Is THE Xavier DeSantio apologizing to me?' I said faking a shocked expression. He groaned and looked at me.

'Amore, would you be serious for a few minutes? Just a few?'

I rolled my eyes at him. 'I won't say that it was okay, because it did have an effect on me. But thank you. Thank you for apologizing and for this.' he smiled at me and walked to the bed with me in his arms. He gently placed me on the bed and kissed my forehead.

'Amore, I want you to know that what I did was one of the best decision I've ever made, and I don't regret it at all. Goodnight bellissima.' Only when he left the room I took a deep breath and looked at the bouquet of roses.

What the fuck is happening? I did not sign up for this shit.

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