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'Is this enough? Wait, what if it's cold there?'

'Dear, I've already packed all your essentials, and in case you need something just ask Xavier.'

'Did you keep my extra weapons?'


'Okay what about-,' A knock on the door followed with Xavier's arms encircling my waist, stopped my pacing instantly. After he told me that we were going to Italy, I bolted out from the office and towards my room and saw Mary already packing my stuff. I asked her for how long we were going for, and she said it would be a week or maybe more. Yes, I'm panicking because I don't know what to expect in Italy. I know he has his family there because Mary told me, and that's what I'm scared of. I suck at first impressions, and what if they don't like me like the man in the meeting?

'Relax tesoro, it's enough. And you can go shopping there if you like. We're going to Italy not an Island.'

'Okay,' I breathed out.

'Alright, you ready to go then?'

'Uh no?'

'Amore,' he said and placed a soft, feather kiss on my lips. 'It's going to be okay, and I'm here with you.' Little does he know, he just made matters 10 times worse for me with that kiss.

'Okay lets go,' I breathed out.

We walked out my room and towards the porch where 5 black SUVs were waiting for us. The last two had guards that were supposed to follow us, the one ahead of it was for Mary and Chef Alfonso, the second car in the line was for Mason and Kyle, and the first one being for Xavier and I. Everyone was already waiting for us when we got there, and our luggage was already in one of the cars.

'Lets go,' I sat in the car with Xavier following me and we all made our way to the airport.


'Holy fucking shit,' was the first thing that came to my brain when I saw the jet. 'Is this your private jet?'

'Yes,' he said while getting out followed by the rest of the gang.

'I'm going to miss you dear.'

'Me too Mary,' I genuinely say while hugging her back. I walked over to Kyle after he was done doing the bro hug with Xavier.

'Kyle,' I say smiling then wrapping my arms around his torso for a hug. He instantly hugged me back. 'I'm going to miss my small brother.'

'And I'll miss my sister.' He removed himself from the hug and handed me a sleek black iPhone. 'Here, I got this for you and designed it myself with the software we all have in our phones. If you ever feel like talking to someone just call me, okay?'

'Okay,' I gave him a small smile and moved to Mason. Without wasting a second, Mason wrapped his arms around me in a brotherly manner. I slightly laughed at his behavior.

'Thank you Felicity. You may feel like you've done nothing for me, but you've done so much for not only me but Kyle and Xavier too.'

'Mason, I'm coming back you know.'

'You better, but I am saying this now because before I didn't have the balls to say it.'

'It's the least I can do.' I turned around to go towards the jet not before thanking Mr. Alfonso for his amazing food.

I sat down on a random seat and Xavier sat down next to me. I took a look around the jet. It was very luxurious with its leather cream seats, golden interior, and there were even wine bottles placed in a corner.

Angel in disguise (Angelo sotto copertura)Where stories live. Discover now