Thirty Four.

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Xavier Alaric DeSantio

'What the fuck does that mean?' I stood up, fuming. A part of me already knew what it meant, but I refused to believe it.

'Her body used up all the possible stored energy and water leaving with none, and she lost way too much blood. Most people would die if they were in a condition like hers. She has a severe concussion and if she does not wake up in the following 48 hours, then either she's no more, or she's in a coma for probably years. Her ribs are damaged and lungs are ruptured, hence her oxygen take is lower than required. Knife scars cover her body like a blanket, some of them being permanent. Her back has hundreds of scars, a few of them which would be there for years. Her stomach has a brand of X caused by a blade, hopefully not permanent. Burn marks cover her inner thighs also not permanent, but it would take years for them to disappear. These are the major injuries; the rest are minor bruises from kicks and punches. Even if she somehow manages to  survives, the pain would be too much to bare.'

'What are the chances of survival?'

'30%, maybe less.' Hurt. It was like someone stabbed my heart, yet wasn't able to free my soul. I looked around the room. Mary had tears in her eyes as she escorted the doctor, Kyle too had slight tears as he left the office in a hurry followed by Mason. Having trouble to light his cigarette, Theo jogged out the room leaving Elijah and I alone.

'She is one of the strongest woman I've ever met, fratello. Even if her survival rate was 5%, she would still wake up and kick your ass. Trust me, she will wake up and overcome the pain. After all, she isn't foreign to pain at all.' My brother spoke, putting a hand on my shoulder.

'I know.'

'And in case she doesn't make it,' my head snapped towards him. 'Then, we kill every single motherfucker that was involved in this. Starting with Marcello Alexander.' I smirked at his comment.

'Fratello. That does not depend on whether she wakes up or not. I know she's going to wake up and so, we're killing those motherfuckers anyways, every single one of them.'

'When are you planning to do that?'

'After 48 hours. Till then, we're going back home.' He nodded and we walked out, going towards Felicity's room. I opened the door gently and walked in to see a teary Alessia laying down next to Felicity gently stroking her hair with her tiny hands. Kyle and Mason were sitting on chairs opposite to Felicity. I walked closer and sat down next to Alessia.

'She's going to be okay right?' My sister asked, her eyes filled with hope. I glanced at Felicity. She looked at ease yet troubled. They definitely cleaned her up well as her hair were back to its shiny brown and her skin looked less pale. Nonetheless, she had a wicked smile on her face making my own appear.

'Yeah, she'll be okay.'


Carefully picking Felicity in my arms, I strode towards my empire, followed by my siblings and my consliegiers . The gates flew open revealing my family with huge smiles on their faces, which dropped in an instance when they saw the body in my arms.

'What the fucking hell happened.' I moved past them and walked towards the bedroom next to mine. Tucking her in and kissing her forehead, I closed the door behind me and sighed seeing my family behind me.

'Meeting room.' They all nodded and followed me. As everyone took their seats, I contemplated whether to tell them everything from the beginning or just the necessary details.

'Everything. You tell us everything. There's no hiding from us ragazzo.' Okay then.

'I met Felicity almost 4 or 5 years ago. It was during the time I started my reign and Marcello Alexander attempted on taking our empire down. Marcello sent his daughter after Theodore in a club to end him, but their plan failed as my men were there to assist Theo. I watched her kill my people and strike at Theo, and it got me mad. So fucking mad that I sent my men to camouflage with the people in the Marcello empire to beat her up. And they did. They beat her up to the point where she was not able to stand up.'

'So you assisted Marcello in abusing his daughter. Way to go Xavier.'

'The only thing on my mind during that time was power. I was greedy for power and status after Valentino died; I wanted to make a name of my own and you know that.' I glared at Kyle. 'After I did that, I got busy in my own work but somehow still managed to find time to keep an eye on her. I don't know why, but I felt the need to watch her, and I convinced myself it was because I hated her.' A snort echoed in the room, which I chose to ignore. 'After a few months, she killed Theo's mother and step sister. It gave me more reasons to despise her, but Theodore wanted to take care of that by himself. I spied on her ways of work for years, while Theo did the same. Fast forwards to the past few months, after the news of her running away from her father circulated, I decided to kidnap her. I found her the second day of her escape, but I waited for the right time to take her in. I-,' I exhaled loudly.

'What was the real reason of kidnapping her ragazzo?'

'To do the same thing Jasmine Dalton did to Marcello Alexander.'


'Felicity Rose Alexander is the Don of the Alexander Empire since she turned 18,' I groaned. 'The girl I abducted was not the same person I was spying on from the past few years. Immediately as I realized that, I knew I made a huge mistake bringing her here. Marcello kidnapped Eli and Aless while we are at the ball and asked for Felicity in exchange. She made the decision and the rest is in front of you.'

'Leave.' My mother commanded. The room gradually emptied leaving my mother and I alone. She gracefully got up, walked over to me, and stood in front of me. 'Get up.' I got up from my chair, towering over her 5'5 frame. A hand collided with my right cheek, sending my face in the opposite direction.

'I'm fucking disappointed at you. You took advantage of her knowing the situation she was in. You were well aware of the fact that she had no choice but to oblige to her father. She risked her life for this family so many fucking times, while you used her love for your own good. You are known in the mafia world, you've accomplished your goal of making your name, and you know that what you did to her was not fucking necessary. I'm afraid to tell you that you, Xavier Alaric DeSantio, are becoming like your fucking father,' she spat and I looked at her in shock. 'He used me in every way possible; for my money, sexual desires, as a bait for his colleagues, a way to obtain money, and what not. Aren't you doing shit similar to what he did? You're becoming selfish just like he was. What Jasmine Dalton did was wrong, and it was a weak, selfish move. You doing that is making you look weak and helpless. Using other people to your benefit will make you look flawed.'

'I'm aware. It was not my intention- Cazzo! I know what I did was wrong but I was so blinded by the power-,'

'One day, this power and pride will be the reason of the fall of this empire. Greed will kill you one day son.' I sighed at her words; words that have been said to me one too many times. 'I know you like her more than you think. It was never hate that you felt towards her. You kept an eye on her because you wanted to protect her, although I dont fucking know why you would send your men to beat her.'

'I was fucked up back then.' She exhaled.

'I know you were. You're a mature, grown ass man now Xavier, so please act like one. I'll arrange some of the best doctors for her.'


'And ragazzo. Voglio Marcello Alexander nella nostra cella nelle peggiori condizioni possibili.'

(I want Marcello Alexander in our cell in the worst possible condition.)

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