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Felicity Rose Alexander.

I smiled at the inked arm wrapped around my waist and the interlocked fingers. I gently turned around to face my husband, careful not to wake him up. I laughed slightly at his resting bitch face that was displayed even while he was asleep. I stared at him in awe as all the memories of us came flooding in my mind. From the night we killed Marcello Alexander to the night he proposed, and the fresh beginning of a new story. The way he helped me stand on my own feet to be announced as the Queen of the DeSantio Empire after we merged the two mafias, creating an imperishable reign.

'Morning amore mio,' his raspy voice called out.


'What got my wife smiling so beautifully, that too early in the morning?' I mean I never smile in the morning, so it is questionable.

'Nothing, just thinking about how luck I am to have you,' I beamed at him.

'You deserve the world, amore.'

'This is my world, and I already got it.' He leaned in to kiss my forehead, but was rudely interrupted by the devil's incarnation. Xavier groaned as I chuckled.

'MOMMMMMM,' the twins yelled.

'Hey,' I interrupted my sons' whining and pointed towards the pink baby crib situated next to our bed. My 7 months old baby girl, Skylar Aria DeSantio.

'Oh.' They both exclaimed at the same time. Luca DeSantio and Liam DeSantio leaned on our bedroom door with a raised eyebrow, indicating that they desperately wanted something. I looked at my sons and then my husband. Goddamn. The difference between them was uncanny. Sometimes I feel like they came out of Xavier rather than me.

'What do you want boys?'

'Can we go to the shooting range again, please?'

'You're already done with your classes,' I sighed. I don't mind them going to training everyday, but them going everyday meant that I had to deal with their 11 year old hyperactive asses and their whines of staying an hour more.

'Pleaseeeee,' both of them pleaded. I looked at Xavier for help, but my man was busy looking at a sleeping Skylar. My heart melted at the sight.

'Ragazzo, I got a lot of stuff to get done with-,'

'I'll take them.' Elijah DeSantio walked in the scene winning both of my sons' heart.

'Yea no. You, mister, need to take care of your wife,' I narrowed my eyes at him. Yes, Elijah DeSantio got married 2 years ago and was expected to become a father in a few months. His wife, Reyna Rostov, owned a successful gang in the states and met paths on a mission where both of them bickered back and forth about a plan, then later saved each other's asses. Reyna and I instantly clicked and made a perfect duo during missions.

'Oh yeah, about that. I may or may not have pissed her off by forgetting to bring her food. So, she does not want to see me around her,' he completed with scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. I got up from bed and walked over to him. My kids took the opportunity of the empty bed and made it their jumping castle, while I smacked the back of Eli's head.

'She said she doesn't want you near her and you believed it?

'She was really mad,' he whispered. I smacked his head again.

'She's having mood swings. It's normal during pregnancies, plus forgetting to bring food would piss anyone off. You're the person she wants by her side all the time, specially now. If a girl tells you to leave her alone, it means that she wants you by her side.'

Angel in disguise (Angelo sotto copertura)Where stories live. Discover now