Twenty Six.

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'This whole thing was a trap and we blindly walked right into it. Can someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on?' I asked barging into the meeting room.

As soon as we entered the safe house, medics surrounded us almost in an instant trying to heal our fucked up bodies. Turns out that most of us were badly injured; Kyle got shot in his left arm and a blade cut on his right chest area, Mason had knife cuts on his forehead and cheeks with a bullet in his left thigh, Xavier had a deep, long cut from a dagger that ran from his upper chest till the lower abdomen, while I got shot in my left shoulder with a few scratches here and there like the rest. In addition to that, all of us had bruises of kicks and punches throughout our body. Theo, on the other hand, was totally unharmed which was a relief but a shocker. Presently, we were in the meeting room discussing the absolutely amazing events of today.

When no one replied, I continued, 'Why is every fucking mafia after me? My father can not make an alliance with 5 fucking mafias, so that's not an answer.' I scoffed while pacing around the room.

'How are you so sure?' I stopped marching and looked at Mason. I really thought he was the smartest one in the trio.

'He has nothing to offer. He doesn't have extraordinary shit that he would make a treaty with 5 fucking mafias.'

'You haven't told her?' I whipped my neck to look at Theo who was busy glaring at Xavier.

'Tell me what?' The tension in the room grew thicker and everyone stared at Xavier. 5 minutes later I questioned them again, 'I fucking asked something. Tell. Me. What?!' Xavier sighed running a frustrated hand through his black hair.

'Ms. Alexander, have a seat.' Seeing how serious he was, I resisted the urge to convey a sarcastic reply and silently took a seat in front of him. 'There are a few things that you should've known earlier, but it wasn't my place to,-'

'Cut the bullshit DeSantio.'

'The reason your mother, Jasmine Dalton, passed away was not because she had leukemia. She was murdered by one of your father's men.' I stared at him in incredulity and scoffed.

'Who the fuck fed you this information?'

'He's not lying. I've been keeping a track on your father for years.' Theo added. My emotions were all over the place right now, and I tried my best not to let them affect me.

'How am I supposed to believe you?' I asked in a low voice, raising a perfect eyebrow at him.

'Do you remember what happened the night your mother died?'

'Yeah. She went out for dinner with my father, and the next thing I know is that I get a call from my father saying that she had an attack.' My voice faltered as I registered my own words. It can't be. 'She was diagnosed with leukemia a year before she died.' At this point I was just talking to myself, trying to connect the dots.

'She made you believe that she was ill. So that when she passes away, the world thinks it was because of her illness and not because of her husband.'

'But why would my father kill her? They were madly in love with each other. At least that's what they portrayed.' I asked in a low voice. Pin fucking drop silence.

'Your mother deceived your father. She manipulated him in naming 75% of his wealth to her name, with the result of her becoming the rightful Don of the Alexanders Empire.' A million fucking slaps on the face. That's what it felt like. 'Your father's consigliere was the one who found out about her schemes, but it was already too late for Marcello. Once he found out about your mother's doing, he poisoned her at the dinner and probably bribed the doctors to relate it to her illness. A day after her funeral, your father found a videotape filmed by your mother. The videotape was her explaining everything, but the most important detail was..,' he let out a deep sigh.

'What? Just say it already for fucks sake.' I spoke, running a frustrating hand through my hair.

'Jasmine Dalton passed on the 75% riches to you as its rightful owner, which means that you, Felicity Rose Alexander, are the Don of the Alexander realm. When you hit the age of 18, Marcello Alexander publicized that videotape to the mafia world promoting danger wherever you go ,therefore the reason why such people are following you.' I was rendered speechless, and the silence was filled by an overly dramatic gasp in addition to metal clattering. There were too many thoughts in my mind, however only one mattered.

'Is this the reason why I was brought here?' I craned my neck staring dead in the direction of Xavier's eyes. 'Was I brought here to be fooled just like my father? So that you could takeover most of what I own?' I stood up from my seat while they hung their heads low. I already got my answer through their reaction, but I wanted to hear it to settle the last hope I had in me. 'ANSWER ME!' Everyone visibly flinched at my tone and I couldn't help but smirk at that.

'Yes.' For some people this response would make them cry or maybe scare the fuck out of them, but I laughed. I let out a loud, sinful, and pained laughter.

'Fuck me for being so naïve. I should've ran away the night you told me there was a reason why I was kidnapped. Goddamn. You guys did a great fucking job in earning my trust, you really did. I actually thought I had a reason to live because of you guys and the family in Italy, but oh well.' A sharp pain shot through my heart as I mentioned the people in Italy, but I chose to ignore it as I'm never going to meet them ever again. 'What about the moments we shared? The late night talks, movie marathons, random games, and the kisses?' The last part being directed at Xavier. 'Was that all a part of the plan?'

'Mason and Kyle were not aware of this.'

'Oh. So you used them to gain my trust. I gotta say Mr. DeSantio, your planning was amazing. Nevertheless, you forgot one tiny little thing.' I walked over to him, standing face to face.

'My pride and past is stronger than my feelings, it will never let anyone play me.'

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