Chapter 2

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Note: I was supposed to post this yesterday, but got derailed with the photos they dropped. I'm still not okay, but here you go.

I've been sitting on this chapter for a while now, wondering if this is the direction I should take. The more I think, I more I feel this is the right direction for what I have planned. If there is something you should know about me, it's that I always do what the plot and characters demands me to do.

So, yeah. If you haven't noticed, there is a shift in power dynamics happening in the first chapter. Since it's written in Namjoon's POV, you only caught a glimpse of it. Remember, Jimin is the one in control since the beginning. More explanation comes in this chapter.

Before you proceed, let me clarify, this WILL not contain BDSM or any sort of kinks. They're going to talk more about their relationship in this chapter. I tried to explain everything to my best. I think this has to happen so it fits the flow of events that is to come in this story. It'll make more sense once you get to it. 


"Are you sure you don't want to look into this prospect?" Seokjin asked again. He sipped his green tea, grimacing at the taste now that it had gone cold. He pushed the cup aside with a frown. "We're talking hundreds of millions."

Jimin toyed with the silver ring in his hand, casually swiveling in his chair from left to right. The Park Inc. building offered a magnificent view of the city outside. But this seat was nothing like his modern king chair at his base. Full black with ornate silver edges. It was his favorite.

"Positive," he said, pulling himself out of his thoughts.

"That's a third buyer in less than three months," Tae said. "Something doesn't sound right."

Seokjin nodded. "Our drugs are equally priced and the quality is top-notch. It doesn't make sense why these buyers are flocking toward us suddenly."

"This could lead to a war," Tae grimaced.

Jimin tapped his fingers on the arm of his chair thoughtfully. It was true. It wasn't actually a wrong or uncommon to accept the buyers who were coming their way. All was fair in business. It wasn't like he went poaching them. They came to him upon their free will. But the other party could raise hell if they wanted.

The Dragons and the Cobras were the only top suppliers in Korea. They had facilities to produce these fine quality drugs and top security warehouses to house them. All happened under the nose of the government who turned blind-eyed when it came to them.

However, as far as Jimin knew the buyers had provided no valid reason for leaving the Dragons. Also, it didn't feel like the right thing to do now that they were exclusive. Park Jimin was a man of honor after all. Jungkook agreed to be his, so by extension that meant Jimin would care for his well-being outside of sex.

"There is something else," Seokjin added. "The demand has increased considerably and our production facilities are running at their full capacity. We won't be able to meet the requirement on time."

Jimin frowned, fingers tapping rhythmically as something clicking in his mind. "I might have a solution for that."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Tae narrowed his eyes and Jimin only smiled.

"You don't plan to procure from the Dragons, are you?" Seokjin looked scandalized at the prospect.

Jimin shrugged. "I don't see why not. They're his buyers after all and he hadn't created a fuss when he could have." He traced the edge of his glass desk. "Good boys deserve rewards."

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