Chapter 4

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                            's the next update. I'm writing 2 fics for Gamer JK fest. The fic is revealed. You can find them on Gamer JK Fest Twitter page. You'll have to wait until 24th Aug for author reveals...that's two new fics coming to AO3. I'm so excited. Can't wait to see what you all think about the new fics.

So, we already established Senior Jeon is an asshole. So, there is a bit in this chapter too. Also, you get to see more into Jimin's life in this one.

TW: Mentions of past death, violence

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One and a half years ago.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

He should have known this was coming.

"Sir, this is a public place," Namjoon tried unsuccessfully to avert the oncoming disaster.

"Mind your fucking business if you wanna keep your head, Kim," his father shut him up.

Jungkook tried to act nonchalant and ignore the eyes that were on him as he followed his fuming father into a private room.

"What the fuck was that, huh?" Jungkook's back hit the wall as his father snarled at his face.

Though he had expected the hit, it still knocked the breath out of his lungs. His father sure didn't hold back. His jaw ached and he didn't dare show the pain.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Jungkook looked away.

He knew exactly what he was talking about. However, he would never admit that in front of his face. His father was furious because he hadn't said a word to object to Jimin's thoughts on handling the matters while dealing with the narcotics division that was sniffing at their asses more than they should.

"Don't lie to me, boy. I didn't send you there to just stay and look pretty." He grabbed his collar. "I knew this position isn't for you, but remember why you're here."

Jungkook still didn't meet his gaze. He knew better than that and not to defy his father under any circumstances.

"I did as you told me, dad." For the majority of the part at least.

"Yeah? Is that why you were quiet when that Park boy spoke at the council? The council has met for the first time in six months after you both became the leader of your respective gangs. But look at him and then look at you." He shook him. "That fucking bastard acts as if he owns the place, yet here you are, sitting nice and pretty, nodding your head to whatever fuck he was saying."

Jungkook swallowed. He didn't think there was anything to talk against Jimin though. The Cobra leader had laid out valid concerns that affected all of them and suggested some solutions that would work long term. He didn't see a point in arguing against it because it would benefit him too.

"He made some valid points."

Jungkook should have seen it coming, but he didn't. The punch almost knocked him out of his breath and pain shot from the left side of his face for the second time that night.

"Valid?" he bellowed. "You call them fucking valid? Get it inside your head, boy, nothing that fucking snake say would ever be valid." He pushed his chest, stepping back.

"I'm sorry."

"You're pathetic. A fucking disgrace." He turned around pacing the small space. "Look at that Park boy. Six months and he has doubled their revenue already. He's brought in more buyers and now even dealing with International buyers, breaking into the European market. But here you are. You couldn't even hold onto what I have built all these years. You ran into issues with three buyers in less than six months before I intervened and made them stay."

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