Angel Radcliffe

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The bright sunny day looked more fresh and jovial when Bonnie Radcliffe looked at her sleeping Princess, Angel Sheila Radcliffe.

Angel Radcliffe, daughter of Daniel and Bonnie Radcliffe and the pampered little kid has grown to be two and a half years now.
Yes, it's been 5 years since Dan and Bonnie got married and they are blessed with a baby girl.

The name Angel was given by Dan as he believes this little soul to be God's Angel who has come into their life to shower happiness and love.

It's been two hours since the little child has been sleeping. Estimating from her past records, Angel sleep period is not more than two hours. Bonnie had to do all her required chores within these two hours to give all her time to her precious bean.

"Mummm..aa", The little angel in the cot threw her tiny hands and legs after long time of waiting for her mother.

"Oh my little angel is up.." exclaimed Bonnie softly keeping her coffee mug aside as she entered the room.

"Mummm..." She tried saying again and strangled her fingers into Bonnie's long hairs as she bent down to pick her tiny daughter.

"Mum is here baby.." said Bonnie picking up her little daughter in her arms. The baby exclaimed in joy throwing out her hands.

"Since when you are up?" She asked kissing her daughter's plum cheeks and then turned around to take her coffee mug to take a sip of it.


"Did you say Dada?" Asked Bonnie perplexed keeping the mug aside instantly, "Say again. Say..Dada.." she patted her little Angel's cheeks when the beautiful soul spoke out, "Da...da..da..da.."

"Ahhh...Your dad will be so happy baby" she exclaimed out again and excitedly gave an immediate call to Dan.

She waited patiently for her call to get received when Dan received the call, "Hello?" She heard him saying.

"Dan come home soon. I have a surprise for you.." she said giggling hard.

"But-what?? Bonnie??" he called out from the other side of the phone, but Bonnie had already cut the call.

"Say..Dad.." she asked her little princess again.

"Da..Da.." and Bonnie giggled out loud. She spinned around in happiness.


It was nearly 9:00 P.M when Dan entered their place, "Hey baby..I am home" He said out loud placing his bag on the couch and then gave a loud huff. He let himself fall on the couch and then closed his eyes.

"Who is your baby? Me or your daughter" asked Bonnie moving down the stairs taking their princess along with her when he opened his eyes.

"Of course my little angel...." He said and walked towards them smiling. His dull looking face had suddenly started glowing, "......You are not a baby anymore" he added teasing Bonnie and took their daughter from her arms.

"First freshen up" said Bonnie in a retort taking back their Angel from him.

"I will but where is my welcome kiss" asked Dan and leaned down towards Bonnie who immediately jerked herself back.

"You won't get. I am not your baby anymore" she replied and walked away taking their Angel.

"Hmm...Someone is jealous of our own daughter" commented Dan behind Bonnie's who stuck her tounge out in response. Chuckling Dan went up to their room.

Meanwhile Bonnie placed Angel comfortably on the slab and started preparing baby food for her.

"Time to have your dinner...." said Bonnie mixing milk with porridge flakes, "...though we are already late" she added smiling.

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