The Key

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Just another day, another hour, another minute of my normal life. I get to sit at home with my little brother while every one else gets to spend their day with friends, shopping or doing something that they want to do. At least tomorrow I get to go to school, not the best thing ever but at least I get to be with my very best friend, Avery. We have been friends forever,and oh I almost forgot our other best friend Ben. They are both the bomb! We always hang out together besides the days where I have to babysit, which I absolutely hate! Suddenly I hear a noise,my phone, it's Ben asking me where I am. We continue our conversation but then I suddenly remember drew! Drew is my little brother, the monster that I have to look after while my parents are gone, the little devil that always gets into things that he isn't supposed to get into. I drop my phone and walk around the house yelling his name as loud as I could, no answer. I started to get worried. I started to run in every room till I came to the last room that I hadn't looked in its the room that we aren't supposed to go in. Even though I knew the consequences if I even thought about turning that door knob and setting one foot in that room, I slowly opened the door and walked in it. It was absolutely amazing! Old painting hanging from the old walls that looked like they haven't been painted in decades. A huge crystal chandler hanging from the ceiling, an old oak desk sitting in the back covered in old papers an old chest sitting beside it, and a little boy named drew Reese.

I yelled at him asking him what he is doing in here, he said he heard some one talking. I told him that was impossible because there was no one else in this house.he was positive that he heard some one, I didn't trust him he is just a mindless 6 year old.

. . . .

That night before mom and dad got home I made drew promise not to tell anyone in the whole world that we went in the room. He said he wouldn't for a piece of candy, I gave him a Hershey bar to make him just shut up.

When mom and dad got home they done their usual, ask how our day went, walk around the house looking for anything wrong, and then sit down to dinner. Our dinner tonight was quite like it always is, it's quite because no one wants to talk to my stupid stepdad Charles except for my mom. I have never and will never call Charles my "dad" hardly even talk to that moron. But I guess he is doing pretty good at being a dad for I was only 7 months old when my dad died. My mom says that he was the most amazing person she had ever met, she says that I look almost identical to him with my strawberry blonde hair, light blue eyes and my long, strong legs.

Charles and I tried once to start a conversation but I could tell he was trying to be nice to me and really didn't want to talk to me. From then on I haven't ever really talked to him, I know he just married my mom for her money. After dad died we got a lot of money, about 6 years when my dads case went to court and found the suspect guilty we got even more money. Then about 1 year later was the first time I had ever seen the man named Charles green in my life, he at once stole my moms heart away but not mine or drews.

"What did you do today?"

"Nothing much mom, I just sat around and done all of my chores and looked after drew"

"We'll I'm sorry to say-"

Mom was instantly cut off by me knew exactly what she was going to say. My heart sank.

"No mom! You can't make me spend my whole break looking after a little 6 year old while all of my friends are asking me to come over and hang out or or-"

"Honey calm down! It will be okay this will be the last time you will have to do this and then next week you can spend your time with your friends because drew is going to his friends house to spend the night on Monday"

I took off running up stairs to my room and slammed my door. I was so mad at mom she has been telling me this same excuse this whole week and its getting on my nerves. I sat down on my bed and started to text Avery and tell her the bad news, but then I just remembered that she was in Florida. Oh how I wish I was here right now.

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