Chapter four

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I sat at the kitchen table beside Drew. Mom and charles were now home and sitting in front of us. They worked a twelve our shift last night and aren't in a good mood so I decided not to ask any questions about grandpa tonight.

"What's wrong Josie? You always eat your mashed potatoes."

"Nothing's wrong mom, it's just that I stayed up really late last night and I'm really tired." I wasn't telling the truth, I was well rested from last night. It's the "ghost" sighting that was making me look like I do, scared and tired.

"I told you to go to bed before we left. I didn't want you to stay up all night!" My mom was definitely not in a good mood. Charles sat there beside her with his chest puffed out trying to look like he was going to do something about this to impress mom. It never happened, like always. He thinks he's so big and bad and can talk to me and Drew like we were his own kids. But we aren't and we will never be.

"I know. Lets just shut up about all of this stuff. I'm going to go get a shower and go to bed. Knock before you enter my room."

"Finish eating."

Ugh! Charles is getting on my nerves!!! Even though he just said two words I can tell he's scared to say anything else to me.

"I'm not hungry Charles" and with that I turned around and walked off with pride.


I sat there picking at my carrots with a million things running through my mind. And i Think Josie is going thought the same thing.

After Josie stormed off to her room I thought of doing the same but mom and Charles started a conversation and I wanted to stay and listen in.

"It's okay honey, Josie can be ignorant at times."

Said mom just trying to be nice.

"I know. But every time I try to talk to her it seems like she doesn't want to even look at me much less talk. I just want to be the great husband for you and the best father I can be for Drew and Josie."

"Well you have already accomplished the great husband part but I don't know about the father thing.... Drew go get a shower"

Great!mom was going to say something I know I would want to her but no, right before she says it she has to tell me to go get a shower.

I walk off but stop just I pass the corner. I plan to listen in.

"...ever since their father died they haven't been as talkative like they used to. They seem to just talk to each other, I can barely get anything out of them about school."

"It will probably take them time to get used to the fact that their father is gone and will always be gone."

I could see a pleased smirk on Charles' face. How dare him say something like that and think it is funny and be pleased with himself for saying such a thing.

"It will be a while I can already tell, and this is just the beginning of their long recovery." And with that mom got up and took Charles' and her plate to the sink and started to clean up the mess.

I knew I had to tell Josie what happened as soon as I was done getting a shower.



I can't believe what I had just heard from Drew. Who would ever say such a thing and smile at it? Oh ya I know who, Charles. The monster that my mother married.

"Are you sure thats what he said?!"

"Yes Josie, I wouldn't joke about something like that."

"Okay you can go now I'm going to go to bed now and you need to go too. Mom and Charles have to work tomorrow and I plan to do more exploring in the room"

"Okay, I love you goodnight." After those words were spoken Drew turned around and walked off into his bedroom and I snuggled into my warm bed.

***one hour later***

I woke up around 12:00 from the knocking on my door.

"Who's there?" I said in a sleepy whisper.

"Josie please! Please let me!!its Drew!" I could tell my brother was crying and I could feel the trembling in his voice.

"Drew? What's wrong?" I said as I slowly got up and walked to the door and opened it. In rushed a little boy that looked like he had just came a centimeter from death.

"Look... I woke up with this on me.." Drew slowly lifted up his shirt to show me a large scratch.

"Oh my gosh! Drew who done this!!!"I said while walking into my attached bathroom and getting a wash rag.

" I don't know Josie, it happened like before the door knob the rocking chair but this time the white thing said- "give me the key drew" and then I felt a sharp pain on my side and the white figure went away."

"Here put this on it. I just don't understand, you found the key in your closet then last night when you left the room you gave the key to me. If you gave it to my then why is this thing coming after you to get it? It's like it doesn't know I have it."

"I know, can I sleep with you for the rest of the night?"

"Sure, come on and shut the door." Drew crawled in my bed and slept with his back to me the whole night, I could tell he didn't want to talk about this anymore so I sat there in the dark thinking about it in my mind.



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I have great plans for this book! And please read truedirectioner27 books! They are so good! Lets try to get her 800 reads!!

That reminds me... Omg I'm like 200 reads away from 1,000!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yayayyayay thanks every one for reading!:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

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