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The summer was finally over and it was time to go back to school for everyone in fact. Gwen had some college courses to attend the campers were in elementary school and who knew that our beloved David would be a substitute teacher for every grade.

Max sighed as he walked through the halls to his next class easily getting into the flow a week into school. He walked into English class and to his seat. It wasn't surprising that he had a sub today with his completely crazy English teacher. What was surprising was the person sitting in the chair looking like an actual adult aside from trying to keep a paper floating above his face.

"David?!" Max shouted surprised drawing the attention of the whole classroom to him. David looked at him and the paper fell on his head where his normal tuft of hair was French braided flat to his head.

"Hey Max," he replied dully and picked the paper off his head, momentarily pausing. "Max?" He said again more cheerful this time and he gave Max a tired smile.

"The fuck are you doing here? Are you stalking me?!" Max asked standing on his desk. David dulled up again.

"Language Mr. Max and get off the desk," he replied and the bell rang.

"There is no way you are David. You're a David imposter! Where did you take David, Daniel! What are your intentions!" Max yelled as David wrote the lesson plan that was assigned onto the board. Max climbed off his desk and tried to tackle David.

"Max go to your seat, and no I am not Daniel why ever would you think that?" David replied and put his hands on his hips glaring down at David.

"One! You are being serious and doing a weird with David's face which I never see him do. Two! You yelled at me! David would never do that! " Max began to list off his reasonings while David sighed pinching the bridge of his nose and leaning against the chalkboard.

"Max," He started.

"Reason twenty seven, your stupid tuft of hair is down and David keeps his up!" Max continues not listening.

"Max," David said a little more annoyed

"Reason twenty eight! You aren't in the forest and David never leaves the forest! He's like big foot but stupid and ugly!"

"Maximus!" David shouts and Max looks up at him. "To your seat, now, I don't have time for this right now and I am not here to play,"

Max was taken aback but didn't go to his seat. The class was whispering in the background. David sighed and kneeled down.

"I can assure you that I am David and if you want you can hang out with me during lunch," David reasures and looked at Max. Max finally nodded and went back to his seat.

"Max you know this asshat?" The girl behind him asked.

"Yeah why?"

"Those things you listed where nothing like him. He's always angry looking and tired." She whispered.

"Well you haven't seen him as I have," Max smirked thinking he had won in finally knowing that nobody could possibly be that happy and it was a facade. As David read from the "script" that the English teacher had left behind to teach the lesson he grew more confused. A while later the bell rang and the whole class was running out the door to get lunch aside from our two main characters as of currently.

"You gonna go get lunch?" Max asked breaking the silence.

"Not hungry and the food here is horrible for one's health," David replies. "But you being younger have to go get some, don't worry I'm not going anywhere,"

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