This is fine

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David tries to help. Gwen's pissed and yells. David's turn for overthinking. How far will it go? What happens next?

Find out (if you want) after your read the chapter because I got Pinterest and no longer have a shit ton of writer's block! =D


David knocked on the bathroom door.

"Gwen?" He asked softly to be greeted by sounds of crying in return. "Can you let me in to help you?"

The door clicks unlocked and he comes into the bathroom. He left the door open a crack and sat beside his CBFL. He began rubbing her back and saying soothing words as always ending with. "You'll be fine," 

Gwen pushed him away glaring at him.

"Are you oka-"

"No David it's not going to be fine!" Gwen yelled. David blinked and cocked his head but let her continue. "You always say this is fine! And you'll be fine! But here we are again!"

"I-I'm-" David choked.

"Gosh, I hate you! Fuck that feels so great to get off my chest!" Gwen said and almost had instant regret in her eyes. She knew she didn't mean it.  Deciding to stick to being angry -for now anyways- she stormed out of the room and he could hear her get into her bed and a few minutes later start snoring. He looked at his watch. Three in the morning. He should probably get some sleep. Was he going to? No. He stood up and walked out of the bathroom, turned off the light, and shut the door behind him. He looked over at Gwen who was sleeping with her back to the room. He rubbed the back of his neck and left the counselor's cabin in favor of sitting on the dock.

A few hours later Gwen woke up to the screeching of her alarm. She rolled over and glared at it while clicking it off. Usually, she was up before it went off. Then again usually it was David waking her up with a cup of coffee. She racked her brain for any reason why and her thoughts dragged her back to her blow up. She winced as she thought about it. She should definitely apologize for that. She was tired and emotional she didn't mean it. Gwen got out of bed and walked over to his bed to see it was still messy. Probably from getting up to 'help' her last night.  She sighed and got ready for her day and went to the Mess Hall for her cup of coffee. When she got in she immediately spotted the red-head who was telling Max it wasn't very nice to stab people with forks. It could be assumed that it was David that was stabbed by the way he was holding his hand.

"Good morning," She greeted as she passed him.  He sent her an awkward smile and walked off pushing his hair back then rubbing the back of his neck. "Weird,"

"The fuck is up with camp man?" A small voice asked beside her. She jumped in surprise and realized it was just Max.

"I don't know what the fuck did you do to him before I got here?" Gwen asked in her usual tone.

"As much as I would enjoy the satisfaction of knowing I turned him into a nervous wreck, it wasn't me," Max replied and paused. "I'm gonna kill the fucker that took my prize unless they fix it,"

"Nervous wreck?" Gwen mumbled doubtfully. David was the most positive person she knew all he ever was was fine. She rolled her eyes and decided to go check on him. He was on the phone and talking to somebody.

"You can't be serious right?" David said. "Please keep me updated. Love you, bye," He placed his phone in his pocket as the other person hung up. He looked up at the sky and closed his eye. 

"David," Gwen said causing him to jump with a squeal.

"Gwen!" He said and looked over at a nearby activities place, looking anywhere but her. "I'm kinda busy. Do you need something?"

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