Wahh, let me help you!

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Fun fact the title idea is inspired from IRL (not for me of course) Anyhow! (I realized I haven't been doing actual angst so imma give y'all some haha)

David is used to handling things by himself especially his mental problems. Today just seems to be an off day for him while everything is just falling apart. After the biggest disaster of the day, he sulks in the cabin and gets a visit fro- wait I should be giving y'all spoilers!



David woke up that morning in his usual manner, opening his eyes. He looked up at the ceiling with a sigh and rolled out of bed and laid on the cold floor to wake himself up. Only a few minutes in and he knew it was going to be one of those days. After those few minutes, he fully got up and got ready for the day. He got into his camp uniform and went to the bathroom, stopping at the mirror to do his smiling exercises so that his smiles look flawless no matter how down he was actually feeling. 

He took a deep breath and went to go wake up others at the camp starting with gently with Gwen. David placed a careful hand on her shoulder and shook it softly. Gwen groaned and glared at him. She was handed a mug of coffee that David had started brewing earlier. He sent her a soft smile and let her work herself awake. The next step was the campers. He started towards the tents after opening the curtains to his cabin.

"Wake up call!" He shouted in the center of the tent's semi-circle, almost instantly there was a round of groans at least one person from each tent. Five minutes later all of the campers had come out of their tents and each had grumpily greeted David in their own way, Max's being a little kick on the ankle and a quick.

"Fuck you, camp man," As always the phrase was greeted with another quick.

"Language buddy,"

The group was headed to the Mess Hall and they got their breakfast. While the kids ate David went over to his usual table and sat by Gwen. (A/N ~(ツ)~ I don't know what I'm doing but I'll figure it out)

A few hours later and that usual good mood that David had mustered had burned down with all of the camper's tents. He looked across the ocean of children on the floor of the mess hall setting up the sleeping bags that they could save. He closed the door and began walking towards the councilors cabin with a sigh. He ran his fingers through his tuft of hair and squeezed the back of his neck to try and relieve some of the stress. He finally got to his cabin and went in instantly falling onto his bed and groaned into his pillow rather loudly. Then began the soft tears as all his failures around the day swam in his head along with all the insults from Max and a few others along with quite a few self-deprecating thoughts.

David sat up in the middle of his sudden decline in mental health and gone to the bathroom to try and calm himself down. His soft tears from earlier had turned into full-on sobs somewhere along the way. There was a knock on the cabin door, it obviously wasn't Gwen otherwise she would have just come in. David waited till he knew his voice was going to be fine.

"Just a minute!" He called and his voice cracked in an obvious this 'person is crying' way. He was wrong, stupid traitor voice.

"David!" Max shouted from the other side of the door sounding angry contrary to how he was actually feeling. David coughed a bit.

"Hold on Max I'm a little busy!" David continued and splashed a little bit of water in his face.

"It's fine I just wanted to say fuck you!" Max shouted again and walked off, unknowingly to David to get Gwen.

And with that David sank back into his internal pity party in the bathroom. (Anybody else getting Micheal in the Bathroom vibes?)

A few minutes later the cabin door busted open and there was a pounding on the bathroom door.

"David! Open the fuck up!" Gwen shouted. David didn't make a sound. Gwen got worried and there was a jingling of keys and the doorknob jostled. David kept his head in his lap as he sat in the bathtub. Gwen came over to the bathtub and got in next to David.

"What's wrong David," She said patting his shoulder. David nudged her hand away gently.

"I'm fine I just need to work through my head,"

"How can I help?" She asked and Max just watched the scene.

"It's fine I usually do it alone,"

"Wahh, let me help you!" She said in a cartoony voice and shaking him a bit. David giggled a little and leaned towards her.

"It's just been one of those days," He replied picking his head up and placing it on her shoulder. Leaving them to relax the rest of the evening.


Bro, why is this so shitty? Y'all I'm sorry. Also, what are these endings! Like holy moly why is it so bad. On the bright side, I hope that you enjoyed at least a little bit and got fed a little of your needed David angst.

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