Boom Boom Boom/ Even brighter than the moon

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When it was close to being the second da of the new year David and Gwen were sitting in the living room. David writing his songs and Gwen listening to him hum his tunes while typeing away stories on her computer. Instead of her usual cntent she wa writing a small story about two friends, it's a rather touching and wholesome one where one friend is helping another when they are having a panic attack. This story was different from any others she's written like this because usually she writes these from the perspective off the person having the attack. Gwen found this interesting because she's seen a tren in her writing that anything recent that has happened or is happening in her life seeps into her writing and is poured onto her comfort characters. That reminds her of what happened in the final hour of last year.

"Hey David?" She said before telling her mouth not to move. His humming stopped and the click-clacking of his keyboard stopped as well.


"About last night..." She started again and watched as he slowly coiled in on himself in a cringe before he slowly spun his swirly chair to face her.

"Oui... About that, can we leave that in the previous year?" David said in an accent thicker than usual. It took him a little longer to translate almost all the words to english. Gwen's noticed that he tends to do that when he is tired, stressed, or truely, truely angry.

"Like we could but I was wondering if you could tell me the story of why? You know I am a sucker for backstories." Gwen pleaded. David mulled it over for a moment and sighed.

"Très bien." He sighed. Gwen went through the french that David commonly used to find the answer. Gwen smiled when she realised it was an affermative.

"Thank you!" She said.

"Oui, oui. Anyways."

I suppose the most impactful time woould be my first year at summer camp in America. At that time in my life I was around the age of ten and I loved fireworks. Much like Max I was quite a handful, stealing anything that could explode or could be set on fire. Although I didn't speak a lick of english then I remember they called me a little firecracker because I was small but packed a punch.  I has a friend around that time who would keep me in check.  Much like Niel trying to be in charge of Max and Nikki. Everyday I would drag him along into my schemes. Somedays it would be setting tents on fire, otherdays it would be running into the forest to hide for several hours and worry the councelors.  Truth be told I hated the camp, he knew it too, he's the only person in that camp who even tried to be my friend or could even speak to me.

Of course with me dragging him along with my adventures I'd let him do tame things such as letting him brush my hair or do hair styles. (Real quick! I headcannon David as trans! I go more into the backstory in one of my shorts that I am still working on. Basically think of him as a cross between Max and Nikki. I might make a post on amino with the design.)

At the time I had really long and curly hair and he had an older sister at home that he missed with similar hair so I let him play with it. We're getting off track. One day we went on a hike forced by Mr. Campbell. It was okay. I hated every step until my friend fell off of a cliff.

"Wait. But I don't see how this relates to your panic attack from last night." Gwen interjected.

I was getting to that if you would be patient. Anyways, Campbell and I tracked him down and he was attacked by bears. That day caused a... fracture in our relationship. So another day I decided to drag him on one of my other adventures. We went and suddenly we had started arguing next to a cave on sppoky island. He was yelling and I walked away yelling even louder. A couple of minutes after standing a few trees away and him not coming after me I decided that I needed to apologize. He had gone into the cave so I was getting ready to go down after.  That was before I was pushed away by the blast. I think I got a little braindamage because I don't recall a lick of what else happened that day or for a lot of what happened before I got back to camp the next week. When I got back I asked the councilor where my friend had gone and they said that he had gotten taken home early.

"Is that everything?" Gwen frowned in saddness at her dear friends tale.

Not quite. I wasn't quite put over the edge till the end of the summer. And there is one memory from before coming back to america. That would be my mother shooting herself. I had to be sent to sleepy peak to live with my uncle which is a whole other story. Then he was shot  when I was coming home from camp which led my counsilors took me in and took me back to France to raise me for a couple of years.

Oh yes and the final thing is I set fire to myself and burned myself badly on my legs. But yeah that about wraps up the whole firework thing.

Gwen looked at him slack jawwed.

"What in the major fuck?" She said and David chuckled.

"Oui! That's what I'm thinking!" He said and turned back to his computer to continue the lyric he was working on.

"Have you tried reconnecting with that friend?"

"Yes. Nothing on him. I'm sure he wouldn't recognize me though." David said.

"Do you know his name? Would you recognize him?" She asked.

"I am pretty sure his first name is Jasper? I'm not so sure about last names Everen sounds familiar? I might recognize him?" David replied. "What re you doing?"

"Is this him?" Gwen asked showing him her phone.

(Aaaaand what did you think? It's nto my best work but it's also not my worst.  Sorry it isn't the bet I wrote this in around an hour soooo. yeah not much room for quality. Should I continue this tiny plot line? Also a_sun_simp did I satistfy your request at least a little? Also sorry if I went overboard!! Have a good night!)

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