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Angsty Dadvid heart to heart. Kind of a study/practice to another fic I am working on and for overall improving.


The evening air was cool and the atmosphere calm. Crickets chirped a tune with the frogs creating a sweet and soothing mood. The spirit of the moment was lost one Max while he lied awake on his cot. His mind was plagued with bad thoughts, horrible memories and a bitter jealousy. Jealousy to a certain red head who seemed above it all. Who walked on sunshine. He hated to admit it but in his time laying awake it constantly bounce around his head. Why couldn't he be like that?  The words constantly choked him when crying himself to sleep on night worse than these. 

He felt tears began to form and those words begin to choke him again. Instead of letting them win he decided to take a walk. Even as he passed through the calm evening air the feeling was still lost to him. It was new. The calm feeling that he was going through the motions for.  His feet thought for themselves while he thought they brought him to the dock. He was brought out of his thoughts when he saw a tall and lanky figure sitting down at the end.

Meanwhile David was immersing himself in thoughts as well. Normally he could just deal with them and try his best to sleep or at least get something done. These thoughts however just halted everything. He couldn't do anything til he actually worked through the thoughts that had been set aside for however long. It didn't matter how long or little it took it just had to get done otherwise it only got worse. David was honestly scared to find out what would happen if he continued to keep bury them. Would he end up like Daniel? Would he end up like his father? Would he end up like him? He hoped not. He didn't want to end up a criminal who wouldn't even give a spec of grass to care. He didn't want to loose his moral compass. He didn't want any of his campers to have a certain trust for him that nothing else could match only for it to be ripped away.

He did not want to be like Cameron Campbell.

"David?" A soft voice usually masked with anger asked, bringing him out of his thoughts. He turned to see Max sitting down beside him his legs dangling of the dock and shoes just grazing the water of the lake. David smiled softly.

"Hey there kiddo," He greeted and studied the kids face. Max seemed hesitant. "What's up buddy?"

Max's features hardened into a glare and he turned it to the deep, dark, serene, water of the lake.

"You," He started, quickly trailing off to find his word again. "You are always so happy. When can I live like that? I don't want to be angry and sad anymore. I hate to ask this but, when do I get to be like you?"

To say the question caught David off guard was an understatement. He wasn't expecting any of the campers to open up like this. Especially Max. He had nearly forgotten that Max was a child until this moment. This moment where Max looked up at him expectantly with an innocent, hoping glint in his eye that only a child could have.

This wasn't Max, this had to be a dream, but the cold water around his legs and Max's persistent gaze assured David that this was truly happening and indeed real. David bit his lip and tears began to form in Max's eyes. 

"How... how honest do you want me to be buddy?" David asked slightly answering the question. Max glared. "You're a smart kid so I suppose you deserve it as honest as it comes."

David took in a deep breath and tried to collect the words.

"What do you mean honest answer?" Max asked. David recognized the tone as the same one as parents day. "Will I ever be even just a little bit like you? Are you some fucking god David?!"

"No," David was quickly cut off again by Max's continuous question.

"I just wanna be okay! Will I ever feel like that happy camp councilor that probably never leaves the fucking camp?"

"Probably not Max!" David looked at him. It was Max's turn to recognize a familiar tone and be caught off guard. "As you said nobody can actually be this happy! Just like you said it's just an act buddy!  It's in the human nature to never be happy with what they've got. Nobody will ever be satisfied and if they say they are they are lying to try and get by. Although that doesn't mean that you are damned to forever feel bitter and angry and hateful. There are moments in life where everything is perfect and you can feel over the moon. Hey you might even get the chance to feel like that 90% of the time."

"So does that mean you are a lying bastard like Campbell?"

"No,"  (one else was in the room where it happened.) {Heh heh Hamilton reference. Any how lets get back to it!} David said sternly. 

"What about all the times you acted like you were 'over the moon' with us?"

"I am actually happy when I am with you guys I hit my 90% at camp. One of the few reasons I love it so much,"

Max yawned and leaned against David tiredly. David smiled fondly at him.

"Tell anyone about this and I will smother you in your sleep and sell your body parts on the black market," Max growled before falling asleep.


Aight I am done with that! Sorry if they seemed out of character and if there is anything I can do to fix it please let me know! Hope you enjoyed and hope you enjoy life until we can speak again.

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