Imma Ghost!

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Alrighty this is just an idea that I may write to be longer but probably not! Any how in this AU Jasper took a little longer to call back up from the bottom of the whatever it's called and Campbell killed Davey, and Davey wasn't happy go lucky quite yet. He haunts Camp Campbell and this year he made half friends with the chaotic trio.  Then Jasper's demise is pretty much the same. Lets get started! 


Eddy smiled as he got out of bed that morning quickly getting ready. When done he ran over to the tents.

"Good Morning Campers!" He shouted. "Rise and shine and I'll meet you all in the mess hall," 

There was a round of groans around the tents but shuffling around. Off to the side, an angry-looking Davey rolled his eyes at the cheerfulness his brother had previously expressed. He walked over to his favorite camper... to pick on, especially with his also high amounts of anger and mischief.

"Hello,"  He said while said camper walked out of his tent drowsily.

"Agh," He sounded falling out of surprise and looking up at Davey. "You have got to stop doing that asshole,"

"Oh, but where's the fun in that Max?" David replied while walking off and Max stood up and his other two buddies came towards him. Max then flipped off David while David did the same behind his back.

A little while later the four had gotten to the Mess Hall and Davey had taken a turn towards the forest.


"Hey, ass-wipe aren't you gonna come participate or some shit?" Max asked after escaping from the activity.

"Is Eddy there?" Davey asks.


"Welp then I can't make it," 

"I get it I hate that happy go lucky asshole too,"

"Hey, leave him alone," 


"Just- leave him alone,"

"Whatever- what's the deal with you and him anyways, he's always forcing every one to do shit and he acts like you don't even exist,"

David raises his eyebrows.

"To him, I don't, at least not anymore," He replied. "I am not saying anymore, now wanna do stupid shit or annoy Gwen?"

"Fuck yeah! But first, we gotta get Nikki and Neil away from Camp Man,"

(~-_-~ I don't wanna write this bit ~-_-~)

That evening Davey was hanging out in the councilors cabin to try and find anything interesting. That was his first mistake because Eddy had walked into the cabin while Davey was right in the middle of the room.

"Shit," Davey whispered and ran out the nearest wall, leaving his brother confused, scared, and sad.

-The Next Morning-

Max walked out of his tent and began towards the mess hall. Moments later he stopped confused and looked around for a familiar jump scare.

"Oh Max you didn't have to wait for me," Neil said walking out of the tent.

"I wasn't waiting for you I'm wondering where the fuck David is at," Max replied and began walking to the Mess hall again with his buddies and constantly being on the lookout. "Come to think of it where is his tent?"

"Oh it's-" Nikki started and paused. "I don't know,"

The group had finally gotten into the Mess hall and saw Pikeman looking rather closed off while looking at an old photo.

"The fuck is up with you?" Max asked him. Edward had jumped up in surprise dropping the photo. He then teared up and ran out without a word. Neil picked up the picture.

"How queer,"

"What have I said about saying that?" Max said. "Also what?"

Neil showed Max the picture of David and is that Jasper from Spooky Island?

"Guess where we're going," Max said.

"Adventure time!" Nikki said and they set for spooky island... after eating breakfast.  At the shore, Davey saw the trio.

"Where are you three going?" He asked.

"Spooky Island, duh." 

"Wait till tomorrow, Eddy doesn't need this today."

"Speaking of Camp Man what the fuck is up with him?"

"Okay maybe we should go over to Spooky Island I can't explain this on my own, also don't mind is I look like a tv program with little signal,"


~~I'm loosing motivation quickly so this next bit is probably gonna be shitty~~

They made it to shore and were immediately met with their ghost buddy Jasper and much to the livings surprise their other friend David had looked faded and his motions seemed glitchy.

"David what the fuck?"

"Imma ghost!" David replied.

"Sup Davey!"

"Hey Jasper,"

The group had put it all together.



"So what is up with camp man?"

"Well I was his older brother and he saw me in his cabin,"

"So that what you meant by 'not anymore'," 

"Yeah," David said. "Can y'all tell him what's up? I have some stuff to do,"


That night Edward went down to the docks and watched the ghost of his brother play on the lake with his best friend. The ghosts stopped and looked at their hands, then towards the dock. They waved at Edward as they faded away into the afterlife.


Aight sorry the ending was horrible I've just had some writers block lately but I wanted to give y'all stuff to read.

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