༄CH. 20༄

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༄Timeskip ༄ 

It was the day, the day that you were graduating. You woke up early to get ready for the ceremony. *Ding* You looked at your phone from your bed. You stretched and took it from the nightstand. * [@y/n] *@k_tetsurou: oi, you getting ready?"* You replied to Kuroo and put the phone aside. You got up and did your usual morning routine. After that, you went to your closet, putting on your graduating uniform. The rest of the time you spent getting ready (makeup or whatever you want to do). You looked at yourself in the mirror and muttered to yourself  "Damn, this is really the end.." "You look gorgeous, honey." A voice came from the door. You turned around and saw your dad, greeting you with a smile. You grinned back at him and said "Thank you, dad.." Your dad came beside you and asked "Are you nervous?" You smiled and said "Yeah, a bit." Your dad laughed and said "You have nothing to be nervous for, it'll be amazing, I promise." You laughed and said "I really hope so." "So, do you have anything in plan after the ceremony?" Your dad asked. You shrugged and answered "I think so, I'm not really sure yet."

༄Timeskip ༄ 

"Y/n L/n! Please come forward to receive your diploma." The school principal said. You got up from your seat and walked over to the principal who was holding your diploma. You shook hands with him as he handed you your diploma "Congratulation Miss L/n." The principal said. You were walking back to your seat when some voices were heard from the crowd. You scanned the crowd and saw Suga, Daichi, Asahi, Kiyoko, Tanaka, and Noya. "Woo!" Go Y/n!" "Yes, Y/n!" You looked at them confused and Suga mouthed you 'We'll tell you'  You smiled and sat back down. The ceremony was now at the peak of its finish. "Lastly I want to thank all of you and congratulate you for being such an amazing generation. I hope you all find the path that your heart desires." The principal said. The whole crowd cheered, you were hugging all the 3rd years. "Do we get a hug?" A voice came behind you. You turned around and saw the Karasuno 3rd years along with Tanaka and Noya. You smiled and answered "Of course you do." You hugged all of them. "How are you guys here?!" You asked. They all laughed and Asahi said "Tanaka's sister drove us here." He pointed behind the crowd where you sad a blonde woman, Tanaka's sister. "So, how are we gonna celebrate this?" Daichi asked. "We could get some pork buns in coach Ukai's store." Kiyoko said. "But we don't all fit in one car." Yaku said. "Did you think we came here unprepared?" Tanaka said. He pointed out coach Ukai's van. You all laughed and Yaku said "Let's go celebrate then!"

༄Timeskip ༄ 

"Jesus Christ, I might throw up.." Kai said. You laughed, as Saeko slapped his back and said teasingly "Poor city boy, he isn't used to fast driving." You all walked into the store and coach Ukai said "Pork buns are on me." Noya and Tanaka jumped in the air, celebrating. "It's just for the 3rd years, you'll have to wait a year." Coach Ukai said. You all laughed and Daichi said "Come on coach, don't be so harsh on them." Coach Ukai sighed and said "Fine.." He walked behind the counter and handed you pork buns. "Hey, Suga." You said. "Hm?" Suga answered. "You know what we could get?" You asked, with a smug look on your face. Suga looked at you with a playful smirk and said "The last one to the machine pays the milkshakes!" Both of you started running to the machine. "Jeez, what's up with them?" Coach Ukai asked. "Just 2 lovebirds." Daichi answered. They all chuckled. Meanwhile, you beat Suga by coming first to the machine. Suga came after you, out of breath, putting his hands on his knees "Yo... You know... I.. I let you win this.." You laughed and said "Yeah, sure."

༄Timeskip ༄ 

All of you were sitting on a small hill, looking at the sunset and eating your pork buns. "You know, I'm glad to have you all in my life.." You said, still looking at the colorful sky. "Wow, getting all emotional, huh?" Kuroo said teasingly. You death glared at him and said "Piss off rooster head." They all laughed at your response. "We're really glad to have you in our life as well, Y/n.." Kiyoko said.

**A/n: This will be the last chapter before the epilogue, which is the last chapter of the book. I'm currently working on another book which I hope you'll like aswell. :)**

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