༄CH. 7༄

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**A/n sorry for not publishing for so long, I had a ton of schoolwork**

You shook hands with everyone, you all started walking towards their rooms. You were walking next to the "milkshake boy" "What's your name?" He asked. You turned your head towards him "Y/n L/n.. What's yours?" "Sugawara Koshi, you can call me Suga." He answered and smiled. "Nice to meet you Suga." You grinned. "So.. Are you their manager?" Suga asked. "No, I'm actually a player. I'm the captain of the Nekoma's girls' volleyball club. But their coach asked if I wanted to join the boys' camp, so I agreed." You answered and smiled. "That sounds really cool, what's your position?" He asked. "I'm a setter, what about you?" You asked. "Same here!" He grinned. "Oi dumbass, we need to go catch our train, so say goodbye to your boyfriend." Kuroo said and smirked. Your eyes were wide opened and your face was red as tomato "Kuroo! He's not my boyfriend!" You crossed your arms and yelled. Kuroo rolled his eyes and started walking dragging Kenma along. You started walking with the two of them but then turned towards Suga and waved "See you tommorow Suga!" He smiled and waved back "Bye Y/n!"
You were walking home with Kuroo and Kenma. You and Kuroo started arguing about chemistry "A mixture of carbon and hydrogen is ammonia not methane!" You said. "I'm sure it's methane!" Kuroo said. He took a book from his bag "Here! It says... Ammonia.." "Ha! I told you I was right!" You yelled. Kuroo scowled "Yeah, I guess..." Kenma snickered. The 3 of you were in front of your house, you waved and said "Bye, see you tommorow." Kuroo waved back. You entered your house "I'm home!" You walked into your living room and saw your dad sitting and watching TV. "How was school honey?" Your dad asked. "It was alright.." You answered. "I will be upstairs if you need me." You said. Your dad nodded. You went upstairs and dropped your bag into your room. You changed your clothes and crashed onto your bed. *Ding...Ding...* A sound from your phone was heard, you looked at your phone and it was an unknown number.
Unknown number


                                         Uhhh I think you

                                           may have gotten
                                     the wrong number..

NONO It's Nishinoya from
Yamamoto gave me your
number :D

You rolled your eyes and put your phone on silent "Of course, who else would it be.." You sighed. You got up and did your night routine.
༄Timeskip ༄
You were playing (favourite game) with Kenma. You looked at the clock and it was 1 AM. "Oi Kenma, I gotta go, it's a bit late. You should go sleep too." You said. "No, I think I'll be okay." You rolled your eyes, knowing he doesn't get enough sleep. "If you say so.. Bye." You logged off and went to sleep.

➳Chocolate milkshake [Sugawara Koshi x fem! reader]Where stories live. Discover now