༄CH. 8༄

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*Beep..Beep..Beep* A sound of your alarm was heard. You reached for your phone and turned off the alarm, you stretched and got out of the bed. You changed into some sweatpants, white hoodie and Nekoma's jacket (you don't go to the school because of the camp). You packed your volleyball shoes and went downstairs. "Morning dad...And Kuroo?" You said to your dad and Kuroo that were sitting on the couch, talking. "Oh Y/n, Kuroo came a bit earlier so we chatted for a while." Your dad said. You nodded and went to make some lunch "Oi Kuroo, you wanna eat something?" You asked. He shook his head "No thanks, I already ate." He answered. You packed your lunch and swung your backpack onto your sholder "Let's go Kuroo." He got up and walked towards the door. "Bye dad!" You said. "Bye, be safe!" Your dad said. The two of you started walking to the train station "Oi Kuroo, isn't Kenma coming with us?" You asked. He shook his head and said "No, he stayed at the dorms with that Chibi - Chan from Karasuno.." You nodded. "So tell me.. Is there something between you and that setter from Karasuno?" He asked. Your eyes widened and you started blushing "N-no...Why would you think that?!" You crossed your arms. Kuroo laughed and said "Yeah right."
The two of you were currently walking towards the gym. The sound of squeaking shoes was heard. You narrowed your eyebrows and looked at Kuroo with a confused look "Isn't it a bit early, it's 7:20, the first practice match starts at 8:15..." You asked. Kuroo shrugged and said "I don't know either.." You peeked inside of the gym and saw Kenma setting for the Karasuno's orange haired first year. "Oi Kenma! How are you so active in the morning?" Kuroo asked laughing. Kenma and the first year jumped out of shock. Kenma turned around to face Kuroo and said "Maybe Shoyo is just better than you." Kenma said. Kuroo stood there with his eyes wide opened. "Huhhhh?! What did you just say?" Kuroo said. You laughed along with he first year. "Hey, what's your name? I heard you are a player." The first year asked looking at you. "I'm Y/n L/n, you can call me Y/n." You smiled. "What about you?" You asked the first year. "Hinata Shoyo!" He said. You smiled when an idea popped in your head "Hey, Hinata?" Hinata looked at you "Hm?" "Do you wanna play some 2 on 2?" You asked. He looked at you and it looked like his eyes were sparkling "Yeah, sure!" You smiled and said "Alright so you and Kenma against Kuroo and I, sounds good?" He nodded and said "Yeah!" "Oi you two, let's play some 2 on 2!" You shouted at Kenma and Kuroo. They looked at you and nodded.
You were sitting on the floor drinking water and panting along with Kenma and Kuroo. "Oh come on, just one more set!" Hinata said as he jumped up and down. You looked at him and was about to say something but someone's voice cut you off "Now, now Hinata, don't be pain in the ass!" A deep voice came from the enterance. You looked at the gym enterance and saw Suga along with the Karasuno's captain Daichi and the ace Asahi. Hinata looked at Daichi and scowled. The 3 of them started walking towards you. They put their bottles on the bench and started stretching next to the 3 of you. Suga sat next to you "Y/n, what were you doing here so early?" Suga asked. "Kuroo and I came a bit earlier, so we decided to play some 2 on 2." You answered and smiled. The 2 of you contined to chat about things, meanwhile other players and their coaches were coming in. "Alright everyone, I hope you stretched and warmed up, we'll be starting the practice matches in 5 minutes!" Coach Manabu yelled. You and Suga got up "Good luck!" You said. "Thank you, same goes to you!" He said and smiled. You walked over to your team. "So the starting lineup will be Kuroo, Yaku, Lev, Yamamoto, Fukunaga, Kai and Kenma. When we miss a serve we will have Yaku and L/n switch. Alright?" Coach Manabu said. You all nodded. First up you were against Karasuno. You sat on the bench as the match started.
"L/n! Get up and switch with Yaku." Coach Nekomata said. You got up and nodded. Yaku and you switched, you were standing in between Kenma and Yamamoto and it was Kuroo's turn to serve. He did his jump serve, they recived it perfectly. You were watching their setter and saw his hands ina weird position, then it clicked, the setter dump. You jumped and blocked the ball. You turned around and celebrated with the rest of the team.The refeere's whistle was heard. You turned around and saw Suga and their setter switch. When they swtiched Kuroo took the ball and served it. Their captain received it, the libero went to set the ball but failed. He scoweld as the ball fell on his head.
The refeere blowed into his whistle, announcing that Nekoma has won. It was 25 - 13. You shook everybody's hands. "One lap of diving drills!" The Karasuno's captain yelled. You sat on the bench with the rest of the team. You all chatted until someone's voice was heard "Good job on reading that setter dump Y/n!" You looked up and saw Suga standing there, grinning. "Thank you! You were really good aswell!" You said to him and smiled. "Thank you!" He turned around and started walking back to his team "Hey Suga!" You yelled. He stopped and turned around "Yeah?" He asked. "Do you, uh, maybe wanna get something to eat? It's okay if you wanted to stay here and eat in cafete-" "No, no, I would love to!" He cut you off. You looked at him and smiled

**A/n I will try to post more, but I can't promise anything because of school. Thank you all for reading! <3**

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