Very Rare Occurence

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The imp gets close to the human and kneels down, "Listen, I can help you, but I need you to come with me to see my boss," the imp tells the human, "I don't usually just go to see stranger's bosses but I am desperate for help so ok," the human replies.

The imp then helps him up and they both get into the van, the imp throws the wet newspaper into the back seat and cranks up the van and starts driving, "Here, take this and wrap that head of yours up," the imp hands the human some bandages and he takes it, wrapping them around his head, covering the cut on the side of his forehead.

"So..... What's your name?" The human asks the imp, "That doesn't matter right now, right now I need to get you to my boss," the imp replies. "Oh..... Ok then," the human replies back and lies back, and looks out the window that's being sprinkled from the acid raining down.

10 minutes later

The imp and human arrive to the apartment where the business is at, the small imp parks the van in their "personal" parking spot and the both of them get out.

The human looks up to the building, "What is this place?" He asks with curiosity, "It's your ticket back home," the imp replies.

They then walk to the door and get inside, walk up some stairs and get to the apartment door and belongs to the imp and his co-workers.

The small imp then knocks on the door, *Knock knock knock*, "Sir, it's me Moxxie!, Can you let us in?" He asks. The doors open inwards to reveal another imp, this one tall and red and also with striped horns and with a white splotch on his right side of his face, "Welcome back Moxxie!" He says.

The tall imp then glances at the human and then puts his focus on him, "Holy fucking shit, is that a human!?" the imp says in surprise, "Moxxie, what the Hell did you do this time!?" The tall imp asks the short imp.

"Sir I didn't do anything, I'm just as shocked as you are, I was just driving down the street when I saw him sitting against a building on the sidewalk, I have no idea how he got here," The short imp explains.

"Hmm, I could've sworn that last time we entered back into Hell from a job, no humans fell in....." The tall imp says, "Sir that doesn't matter, right now we need to get him back onto the over-world," the short imp demands.

"Of course! But it wouldn't hurt for him to stay a bit and for us to get to know each other now would it?" The tall imp asks with a swish of his tail, "Sir-" "It's no problem! Come on in human!" The tall imp interrupts the short one and asks, he then let's the short imp inside and gets to the humans side, putting his arm around his shoulders and leading him into his workplace.

The doors closed behind them and the tall imp calls everyone out, "Hey everybody! We've got a special visitor!" After that, another short imp appears, coming with what appears to be an anthro wolf with red eyes, both of them surprised to see a human.

"Whaaa~" the human says to himself in confusion, "Now human, let me introduce you to myself and my family," that short imp over there is Millie," the tall imp points to the short imp

"Whaaa~" the human says to himself in confusion, "Now human, let me introduce you to myself and my family," that short imp over there is Millie," the tall imp points to the short imp

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"Howdy!" She says in excitement, "That Hell hound over there is my beautiful daughter Loony" The tall imp says with care in his expression

"Howdy!" She says in excitement, "That Hell hound over there is my beautiful daughter Loony" The tall imp says with care in his expression

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"ITS LOONA DA- UGH, BLITZO!" Loona says growly, "I believe you've already met Moxxie here," He looks down to the short imp.

"And my name is Blitzo! There's an 'o' at the end of my name but it's silent so don't worry about it, anyways, what's your name?" Blitzo asks the human

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"And my name is Blitzo! There's an 'o' at the end of my name but it's silent so don't worry about it, anyways, what's your name?" Blitzo asks the human.

"WHATS GOING ON HERE!?," The human says loudly, "Ever since I've woken up, everything about everything has been so off, like why are you 4 wearing costumes? Or why is the moon a freaking pentagram! Or why is- just tell me what's happening!" The hu...

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"WHATS GOING ON HERE!?," The human says loudly, "Ever since I've woken up, everything about everything has been so off, like why are you 4 wearing costumes? Or why is the moon a freaking pentagram! Or why is- just tell me what's happening!" The human says loudly and annoyed.

"*Sigh*..... Listen here kiddo..... You're in Hell," Blitzo says boldly with his hand on the Human's shoulder, "Holy crap..... That explains everything," the human realizes as he puts his hands on the side of his head and says; "Wait..... Does that mean that God exi-" "No no! We don't talk about him, not here atleast....." Blitzo says quickly with worry on his face,"Uh..... Ok, um so I'm dead huh?" The human asks, but then Moxxie nods "no" and walks up to him, and tells him "No, you're very much alive, more than us, and that's why we want you out of Hell," Moxxie states, "You see, because you're not actually dead, you don't obey a single law down here, and so because of that, to us, your'e like mmm..... A God down here," Blitzo explains, "I don't really get it," the human says with confusion, Blitzo sighs and says; "Loona do something to him," Loona then gets a knife and aims at him with the knife, "W-wait what are you doing no!-" the human says scared and curled up and the Hell hound throws the knife at him but when the knife clashed into him, it shattered into pieces like broken glass, not causing even a scratch on the human, the young adult then peeks out of his arms trembly and is confused.

"What just happened?" The human asked, "You didn't obey the laws of fucking physics, that's what," Loona replies with her arms crossed.

"Anyways, so what's your name?," Blitzo asks trying to change the subject, "My name i-...." the human thinks for a bit and ponders, however, he actually doesn't know what his name is, ever since he woke up, he hasn't been thinking about who he actually is.

"I..... I don't know sir," the human replies, "Hmm well that stinks shit, oh well let's just name you 'Sunny' for now ah? Also you don't have to call me 'Sir', just call me 'Blitzo'," The tall imp says with a smile.

End of chapter 2

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