This Ain't My First Rodeo

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It's been around 5 minutes ever since Striker, Sunny and I.M.P have left Striker's farm and off to wherever the cowboy was leading them.

After some time, it started to rain again.

Dust trails behind Blitzo's van and Striker's Hell-horse, a tense chase goes on.

Sunny had his foot still on the gas pedal focused on following Striker a few feet in front of him.

"Hey Millie! How's everyone doing back there!?" Sunny asks the small female imp shouting while still driving fastly.

"Blitzo bled alot but I think he'll be okay, and Loona's bled also but I've wrapped her knees in bondage," Millie quickly replies.

Hearing that calmed Sunny a bit down, things were still intense but knowing that his friends were okay definitely lowered the heat.

Striker looks over his shoulder to the van where Sunny and I.M.P are in, he chuckles.

It seems that Striker has led the gang to a bullring in the middle of nowhere.

"Is that..... A bullring stadium?" Moxxie asks squinting to get a better look.

"*Gasp* That's dat ol abandoned bullring I used tuh go to! They've decided to build anothuh one bigger than dis one so they closed it down fer good....." Millie explains while Moxxie looks at her and back at the stadium they're approaching.

Here's a few photos of bullrings to give you an idea of where the setting is and what it looks like;

Here's a few photos of bullrings to give you an idea of where the setting is and what it looks like;

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