Speed Demons

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Sunny and his new met friends were driving in the country side, on a road that was between farm land.

If you looked to your sides you could see farms, plains of grass and corn growing and animals such as cows and horses, of course these were demonic with horses just being rotten carcases, so thin you can see their bones and cows looking like expired melten milk and their utters longer than normal that they touched the ground.

"OOH LOOK GUYS, HORSES!!!!!," Blitzo announced loudly and excited, he's always been very fond of those creatures, having toys of them and watching or reading anything that had to do with them, he even liked My Little Pony, a show created on Earth.

"Enjoying the road trip everybody?" Blitzo asks happily, Loona ignores him, Moxxie shrugs and Sunny has a chill up his spine from the scenery that disgusts him, however Millie was enjoying it since she was born in the countryside.

"Oh look and all the beautiful animals!" Millie states excitedly but nobody except Blitzo ignored her.

While the I.M.P crew and Sunny were waiting to get to their distination, behind them were approaching some enemies.

Loona's ears turn to the right, and she perks up, "Hey guys, we've got company," Loona alerts her friends, Blitzo looks in the rear view mirror, "Aw shit....." Blitzo says annoyed. Sunny looks at the side view mirror, and Moxxie and Millie look over their shoulders.

In back of them approach a jeep, two trucks and three motorcycles, all bieng driven by demons that seemed to be from the country side.

"Alright everybody, get ready to fight!" Blitzo demands with a grin, excited about what's about to happen and turns on his radio, cranking the volume up to some fast paced rock music.

"Yeeeeehaaaaaw!!!!! C'mon fellas! We're having city folk for dinner tonigh!" One of the bikers shouts who then drives up to Sunny's door, he sees Sunny and is shocked, never have seeing a human down in Hell before he tries to ponder what's going on for second.

Sunny on the other hand nods and aims his shotgun at the biker, before pulling the trigger and shooting his face through, blood, bone pieces and brains fly out of the other side leaving a giant dent on the biker's face who then loses control of the bike and crashes to the right to be left behind.

"One down," Sunny states with a smile, "Taking the first bite huh Sunny? Alright!" Blitzo says proudly.

Loona then gets off of Sunny's lap and moves to the back of the van where there was more space, she then opens the van's back door to be met with the jeep that's following them from behind, there's three imps inside of it, one of them pulls a revolver and aims at Loona before shooting it, however Loona was swift and slammed the back doors of the van shut before the bullet hit her, instead the bullet just bouncing off the door.

The van wasn't normal, it was built with bullet proof metal, tires and windows since Loona, Blitzo, Moxxie and Millie were all in Hell, a dangerous place.

Loona then slammed open the doors, and lunges at the jeep, at this point the van and the other vehicles were going atleast over 40 miles per hour.

Loona lands on the hood of the jeep, and punches through the front window, grabbing the driver's neck and ripping out his jugular causing gallons of blood to spill out and fly back, "AH SHEET!!!!!!" The imp in the front passenger seat screams in anger after witnessing that, the driver let's go of the stealing wheel and tries to cover his neck from bleeding but to no avail he dies.

"YOU FUCKIN BITCH!!!!" The front passenger imp insults Loona before aiming his gun at her, Loona bites his hand and rips it off, before jumping back into her van and closing the back doors.

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