Striker's Farm ; Part 1

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Sunny and the I.M.P walk up the small hill to get a better view at the farm, at the top Sunny lays down on his stomach with the rest of his friends in the order from left to right with Sunny, Loona, Blitzo, Moxxie and Millie in order.

Blitzo takes out his sniper and uses the scope to get a closer view of the farm;

Here, I drew a picture of what Striker's farm looks like, just so you guys can have a better image of where everyone and everything is :

"Watcha see boss?" Millie asks Blitzo, who in return replies; "I see a lot of Striker's armed dick suckers around, they're just taking care of the place, if we want Striker, we're gonna have to shoot our way to him," with that he puts his sniper d...

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"Watcha see boss?" Millie asks Blitzo, who in return replies; "I see a lot of Striker's armed dick suckers around, they're just taking care of the place, if we want Striker, we're gonna have to shoot our way to him," with that he puts his sniper down and sighs.

"Wait sir, don't you think it's best if we formulate a plan? I mean- you're not actually just gonna send us to try and plow through them like rhinos right?" Moxxie asks with an eyebrow raised.

"Welp, you got any better ideas Moxxie?" Blitzo asks him, "I think I've got one," Sunny replies to him and everyone looks at him.

"Well...... Tell us dude," Loona demands, "Yeah! Tell us!" Millie joins Loona with a smile.

"Ok so what if...... What if Blitzo stayed here and helped us kill these fuckers from far away with his sniper..... and me, Loona, Millie and Moxxie went in with the four of us splitting into two groups of two and getting on each side of Striker's farm?" Sunny explains his plan and the I.M.P all nod their heads.

"Sunny you are a fucking genius," Blitzo compliments the teenage human, flattering him, and this was a good idea, if they listened to Sunny's plan, they'd be overwhelming Striker and his goons from three sides.

Sunny blushes a bit and scratches the back of his head, "Oh well you know it's not much I just thought of it now heh...." Sunny replies.

"Alright, it's settled than folks but before we go, do you guys got your walkie talkies?" Blitzo asks with a smile, and everyone shows their transceivers.

"They're called transceivers sir......" Moxxie corrects Blitzo.

"Whatever, now let's go cause some chaos......" Blitzo commands with a devilish grin.

Moxxie, Millie, Loona and Sunny then get up and start walking down the right side of the hill together before stopping at the bottom.

"Okay so which one of you would like to come with me?" Sunny asks, "I'll go with you," Loona responds and Millie adds; "Sounds good to me..... sorry hun I like you but i'de prefer to stick with my husband."

"It's fine, alright Loona, you'll be with me. And Millie, Moxxie you two together. We'll be moving in by the right side of the farm, you two go on the left side," Sunny directs and with that Moxxie and Millie nod and Loona wags her tail.

"Let's go Loona," Sunny asks the teenage hellound and the four split, with Loona and Sunny going to the right and Millie and Moxxie heading off to the left.

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