December 19 - (Prologue)🎄

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P.S.: Read the description for trigger warnings⚠️

Reader's POV
Today is December 19, aka, the beginning of Christmas week. Ughh, I already hate this.

Oh, yea, did I mention that I hate Christmas? Well, buckle up, cause this is gonna be a hell ride.

So, as I was saying, it's December 19, blah blah blah...

"Morning...*enter your name*!" My aunt (Lala) called from my room.

"Morning!" I said getting out of my bed.

"So, anything exciting going on this week?"

I shot her a death glare. "Of course not, and you know damn well why!"

My aunt rolled her eyes. "Are you gonna ever let that go?"

My anger grew and I clinched my fist. "You know what, I'm gonna go get some Starbucks while I enjoy this pitiful day!" I said pushing past her.

"Listen, I didn't mean to make you upset!" Lala said.

"It's too damn early in the morning to talk about this, I need caffeine, (if you don't drink caffeine drinks, you could put something else) I'll see you later." I said putting on a black coat over my pajamas, boots and a bag over my back.

"Be careful, and stay safe!"

After I got my Starbucks drink, I looked around the neighborhood.

"Stupid Christmas!" I said reaching into my bag and throwing eggs on some of the decorations.

Then, I got some toilet paper and TP'd another house.

"Merry Christmas, bitches!" I said laughing.

I was so impressed with my work that I bumped into someone.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry!" I said looking at the mullet person.

"It's ok!" He said giggled.

The four people behind him looking at me smiling and waving their hands.

"Why do all of you look so familiar?" I said scanning all of their faces.

"I guess we just have one of those faces!" The blue-eyed blonde said.

I quickly took out my phone and looked on Instagram.

Wait a damn second...

"ARE YOU PENTATONIX?" I said squeaking.

They all laughed at my wittiness.


"Of course!" Matt said holding out my phone.

I smiled at Matt held out my phone and pointed it to all of us.

"So, what's a 3 Grammy winning band doing in a dull neighborhood in *enter your home state or city*?" I asked.

"Just looking at the Christmas decorations! It's a secret tradition we like to do!" Kirstie said.

"So, do you celebrate Christmas?" Kevin asked.

I smiled. "Nope!"

They all gasped at the same time.

"YOU DON'T CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS?" Mitch said putting both of his hands on my shoulder.

"Relax, Mittens! I'm what's your name?" Scott said. I told him my name and then he continued. "I'm sure *enter your name* has a reason to not celebrate Christmas!"

Feel the Christmas Spirit? (PTX and Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now