December 23 - (Four) 🎄Part 2

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No, I haven't forgotten about this book.

WARNING ⚠️: Gun violence, suicide, DEATHSS - but not from the group...probably 😉

3rd POV
When Scott woke up, everyone was looking at him.

"Look who's finally awake!" Mitch said.

Scott looked around confused. "How long was I out for?"

"About 3 hours." Kevin said.

"WHAT? Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

"We tried. You're a deep sleeper." Kirstie said shaking her head.

Scott groaned at the little pain in his head. "I don't know why, but everytime I blink, I keep seeing a body."

"What type of body? A dead body?" Matt asked.

"Yea, a dead body."

You laughed. "That's because you were watching *your favorite scary movie*."

"Ohhh! I do love my scary movies." Scott said awkwardly chuckling. "Anyways, what time is it?".

"4:30, the fam should be coming in a few minutes." Kevin said.

Lala looked at Scott with a sad face. Scott glanced at her confused but shook it off.

Then, the doorbell rang.

You ran to the door and opened it. "It's the familia!" Damn, that's a lot of people...

"Hi mom, hi dad!" Scott said running up to them and giving them a hug.

"Hey Scotty buckets!" Connie said patting his back. (A/N: if yk, yk)

"Mom, I told you to stop calling me that!" Scott said sheepishly.

Everyone laughed and then congregated with their families.

You and Lala stood there awkwardly.

You watched as everyone gave their families hugs wishing that you had that too. "I'll be right back." You said quickly going upstairs into the bathroom.

Lala looked at you sadly and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Mitch asked.

Lala was about to open her mouth but she shook her head. "I can't say."

"Listen, umm, what's your name?" Mike asked.


"Ok, Lala, just because you've only met you for 5 minutes, doesn't mean you have to his anything from us. We are all family!" Mike said happily.

Lala looked up and saw everyone look at her was sad eyes. "It's about *enter your name*. They're-"

Lala was cut off by you entering the room. "What's going on?"

"Lala was about to tell us something about you." Kevin said.

You lifted one eyebrow. "Oh, really? And, what would that be?"

Lala fumbled with her dress. "N-Never m-mind. It was n-nothing."

Nel whispered something in Mitch's ear and he nodded. "Anyways, let's get this Christmas party started!"

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