December 25 ~ Bad Ending🎄

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You curious little thing...

Welp, good luck...this is kind of a continuation of the good ending.

WARNING ⚠️: mentions of r*pe, AIDS, death and suicide at the end.

Also, I don't know about AIDS that much but, I'll try my hardest to incorporate it here.

Guess the two musicals I made for this. (Hint: the names and the song)

And lastly, sorry if this seems a bit rushed.

You know it's not to late to turn back still don't? Ok then...

Reader's POV
*still the time lapse of 3 years later*

Sadly, not all stories have happy endings...

I woke up from my dream...Dream?

All of that was a dream? Moses, Lala getting a job as a model, her finally getting married, me finally being happy on Christmas...

Well, don't get me wrong, those 5 Days did change my opinion on Christmas, and I still celebrate with Lala, but she's been feeling sick lately, and I'm starting to get worried.

"M-Merry C-Christmas!" Lala said making her way downstairs.

"Merry Christmas Lala, but seriously, we're taking you to a hospital." I said getting the car keys.

Lala groaned. "F-Fine." She said grabbing a coat.

I started the car and we drove to the hospital while blasting PTX Christmas music on the radio.

When we finally arrived, I grabbed Lala's hand and led her into the hospital.

The lady behind the desk looked at us with a confused look. "Hello, what brings you by on this wonderful day!" She said unamused.

"Umm...hi and Merry Christmas! Sorry, to bother you on this holiday but my aunt hasn't been feeling well. She's been getting random fevers for the past few years. I've also noticed she loss some weight." I said.

The lady went from looking bored to anxious. She immediately grabbed a phone. "Dr. Newheart! I need you to come to the desk immediately!" She said and then hung up the phone. "Finally, there's something interesting going on today."

Lala and I looked at her suspiciously.

"W-What d-do you m-mean?" Lala asked.

"Well, I've kept getting these calls on patients having CDD...Christmas Day Dumps. And I'm just sitting here like, 'This is a hospital, not a therapy room.'" She sighed frustratedly.

"Sounds like they aren't the only ones who have CDD...what's your name?" I asked.

She immediately hid her name tag. "Just call me Miss Grinch." She said in a fake smile.

"Nurse Philpott, stop intimidating the patients...again." Newheart said walking through the doors.

"Damnit, you said my real name." Philpott huffed.

"Anyways, who's the patient?"

I pointed at Lala. "She's been having weight loss and constant fevers."

Newheart looked at Lala with a worried look. "Those sounds like symptoms for AIDS. Do you have pain with you use the bathroom?"

Lala nodded. "I t-thought it was j-just me n-not d-drinking enough w-water."

"Well, let's take you into a room." Newheart said and Philpott and us followed her.

"Can I ask you kindly to lift up your shirt please?" Nurse Philpott asked politely.

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