December 24 - (Five)🎄

33 9 16

Reader's POV
Ahhh, Christmas Eve...and the last day...

I stretched out my arms and looked outside the window. The neighbors were cleaning off the eggs and toilet paper from off of their houses.

I sighed and started to put on my shirt, jeans, coat and boots.

While I was getting dressed, Lala knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I said.

Lala slowly opened the door. "Umm...*enter your name* c-can I-I t-tell y-you s-something?"

I sighed again. "Firstly, I can sense fear in your voice. Lala, I'm trying to change for the better. Secondly, you're my guardian, you can tell me anything."

Lala cleared her throat. "I k-know you a-apologized y-yesterday but, I-I feel l-like I o-owe you a-an a-apology too. I-I'm sorry I-I kept h-hooking up w-with random g-guys and m-make you h-have to s-suffer through it a-all. I p-promise I-I won't b-be a w-whore again."

I smiled. "Trust me Lala. You're an amazing women. You can get a guy who doesn't just want you for sex, but for your personality."

Lala then gave me a hug. It felt like my shoulders were being crushed...

"Alright that's enough before you break my shoulder." I said and Lala letted go of me.

"A-Anyways where a-are y-you going?" Lala asked.

I looked at her nervously. "Did I do that? The stuttering..." Well, it wasn't the damn Easter Bunny...

Lala sighed. I nodded. She didn't even need to say anything.

"Umm...anyways...I'm going to help the neighbors out with their houses."

Lala smiled. "P-Pentatonix really h-has c-changed your l-life."

I stared at her blankly. "Let's see if they can go that for Christmas."

"W-When P-Pentatonix says, "It's C-Christmas time!", h-hunny it's d-definitely Christmas t-time." Lala said, (A/N: POINT BLANK PERIOD)

"Because they're well known for their Christmas albums...blah blah blah, bye..." I said leaving the house.

"Hello neighbor, need help?" I asked kindly.

The neighbor - I forgotten what his name is - smiled. "Sure! Thanks *enter your name*! I really want to know who is the one egging and TP'ing the houses."

I cringed. " I don't know. Probably they hate Christmas 'cause something happened to them." I said wiping the windows.

"Probably. But, hopefully, they know they can come talk to us. This neighborhood is a friendly one, we'll understand." The neighbor said.

I sighed. If only I knew...

Then, my phone buzzed. There's a notification from Matt.

@mattsalleemusic: Hello *enter your name* and Merry Christmas Eve! Since today's the last day to make you love Christmas. Please meet us at the same restaurant as before at 11? :)💚

I smiled at the message. I looked back at my house and saw Lala staring at us through the window.

I waved to her and then said goodbye to the neighbor.

As I went to the restaurant, it was crowded full of people.

"Uh...what's going on?" I asked someone.

"The famous a Capella band Pentatonix is here! Someone Tweeted their location." A fan said.

"Shit!" I mumbled under my breath. Then, I squeezed past through the crowd.

Feel the Christmas Spirit? (PTX and Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now