December 22 - (Three)🎄

46 9 68

A/N: OOOOOO, bet you didn't see this plot twist coming...and I regret nothing🙃

3rd POV
You woke up in a bad mood today. After yesterday's fight with Lala, you just wanted to stay in bed all day.

Then, your phone buzzed.

@kirstin: Hey sweetie, I hope you had an amazing time yesterday with the gingerbread contest. (P.S: I won ;) Today, however, you might wanna wear some extra layers of clothes and get some snacks for the road. 😽

You sighed and typed her back.

*your username*: Listen, Kirstie, I appreciate everything you and rest of the band did for the past two days, but I don't think I can go with y'all today.

@kirstin: Awww, why not? :(

*your username*: After I left Scott's place, I went to my aunt's ex's place.

@kirstin: Oooo, did you make up with her?

*your username*: Nope! In fact, I punched her in the face.

@kirstin: Why?

*your username*: Because I was talking shit about her in front of her ex. But she deserved it.

Kirstie bit her nails. She was think if she wanted to bring up the graveyard.

@kirstin: Why were you burning ornaments in front of those two graves? And you said, they were the reason why you hate Christmas.

You gasped and took a deep breath.

*your username*: When I'm ready to tell my story, I'll tell you.

@kirstin: Ok. So you're still not gonna come with us today?

*your username*: No

Kirstie sighed and then came up with an idea.

@kirstin: Can you send your address?

*your username*: Why?

@kirstin: To talk to you, in person.

You looked at her message suspiciously but shrugged. You then typed in your address.

@kirstin: Thanks! I'll be there in 30 minutes.

You typed an 'ok' and headed for the showers.

15 minutes later, you quickly got dressed and grabbed your prank bag.

You looked at your neighbor's houses and shivered in disgusted.

You quickly but swiftly eggs and TP'd the windows and doors.

Little did you know, someone saw the whole thing.

When you went home, there was a knock on the door.

You opened it and rolled your eyes. "What the hell do you want?"

Trevor looked at me with a smirk and held out his phone. "You wanna explain what you did to the neighbor's house?"

You stared at the phone with a blank expression. "Yea, someone hates Christmas, but that someone isn't me."

Trevor scoffed. "Oh cut the crap! You ass is going in jail!" He said dialing 911.

You laughed. "I wouldn't do that if I were you!"

Trevor got up close to me. "If you weren't Lala's guardian child, I would kill you for the way you treat her!" As he finished talk with the police, he putted his phone in his pocket.

Feel the Christmas Spirit? (PTX and Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now