December 20 - (One) 🎄

45 9 44

A/N: Long but worth it😌

Reader's POV
Met my idols yesterday and they already know most of my life. Great impression *enters your name*!

"Hey, *enters your name*, how was your day yesterday?" Lala asked.

She knows something...

"Uh...good, actually great. I met Pentatonix yesterday!" I said excitedly.

She looked at me confused. "Who?"

I gasped and shook my head. "Get out! You're not my aunt anymore, get out!" I said pointing to the door.

"I never was but ok?" Lala said leaving my room.

I sighed and got out of bed. "I can't believe she just asked that. I'm so disappointed."

Then, my phone buzzed. "20000+ Twitter notifications?"

I quickly opened Twitter and saw hundreds of likes, replies and comments on my post, Kevin, Scott and Kirstie retweeting my tweet, all 5 of them adding me back, and a private message from Scott.

@scotthoying: Hey *enters your name*, I'm really sorry but what happened yesterday at the cemetery and the band and I wanted to change your opinion on Christmas, so can you meet us at *a famous restaurant in your city or state* at 10 please? Bye! 🥰

I smiled and then frowned at the message. Change my opinion on Christmas? Yea, impossible.

Christmas is gloomy and pointless holiday, when some random man comes into your house in the middle of the night and steals all your cookies.

Call me a Grinch all you want but I just want to pull those mistletoes in my back pocket so everyone can kiss my ass...respectively. (A/N: It's a meme😌)

I groaned and type an "ok" to Scott and got ready for the day.

As soon as I was about to walk out the door, Lala stopped me.

"Ah tut tut tut...where do you think you're going?" She said.

"Out, with some friends." I said impatiently.

"Well, tell them you can't go, you're grounded!" She said walking towards me.

"For? And for God's sakes, I'm *enters your age* years old."

"Doesn't mean you're too old to get grounded. A police officer had come to me and said that there were video cameras of you TP and egging houses?

I rolled my eyes. "And that's why you're grounding me?"

Lala sighed. "The police warned you before, this is the second time you did this."

"Uh, huh, and I won't stop doing it, now I gotta go bye!" I said immediately running out the door.

After 30 minutes of driving, I finally arrived at the restaurant. I looked outside the window and saw the group laughing at something Matt said.

"Well, here goes nothing!" I said to myself walking into the restaurant.

"Hey guys!" I said waving to the group.

They immediately stopped laughing and waved back. "Hey!"

After a few minutes of awkward silence, I spoke. "Ok, cut to the chase, what do you want?"

Scott giggled. "Ok, *Mr/Ms/Mrs/Mx or whatever you want* Sassypants. We want to talk about yesterday."

I shrugged. "As you may know, I hate Christmas and Christmas hates me. That's all!" I said as I was to get up Mitch stopped me.

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