Pride Chapter 6: Plans in motion

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Natsuki Subaru once again was sent back to the moment the fire began to spread across the kingdom, with his mind managing to ignore the pain he suffered in the last loop. The only thing in his mind wasn't how to end it all, it wasn't how he wanted to mock the sword saint, and it wasn't on how to survive the encounter, it was in defeating his counterpart, Natsuki Subaru, the self proclaimed knight of Emilia.

In his previous loops, he didn't put too much focus on his counterpart but his interactions with him and his two allies allowed him to know how to easily deal with the threat that is his counterpart, someone who could destroy all the hard work he had made in order to make himself the bad guy and to make Emilia the king of Lugnica. He turned towards the group with a serious facial expression, looking that he has Elsa, Meili, Roswaal, Ram, and Blue to work with. He knows that Elsa, Meili, and Blue can take care of the demi human known as Garfiel. He knows that using Roswaal's status could help him out while having the clown keep an eye on the maid since he can tell that she didn't help at all.

'Okay, I need to beat that bastard calling himself Emilia's knight. Let's start off with the problems I will be dealing with in this loop. The first being that demi human known as Garf. The return of the knight blue had killed. Natsuki Subaru himself using that whip as a weapon...mental note, learn to use a whip. Let's see, Elsa and Meili will work together to keep the Demi human busy while I ask blue to try to trick that Julius guy. Blue will do the same thing in killing the purple haired knight. Roswaal will have the maid keep an eye on Emilia until I want her to confront me. The last thing I need is for Natsuki Subaru to get to her first. Lastly Roswaal will keep the sword saint bastard busy and away from Natsuki Subaru and myself. The last thing is that I will deal with my counterpart myself, he is mine to take down.'

Knowing what he is going to do, he turned towards his group and started to say with a serious facial expression,

"We are not done here yet."

"What do you mean, oni-s~an?"

"We have one last thing to deal with before I finally end this. Elsa, you and Meili will look for a blonde demi human boy. He will be fighting some of Meili's Mabeast near the entrance."

"Do you want me to keep the boy alive or kill him?"

"Distract him as long as possible but if you want to see his bowels, then go for it. I don't care either way."

"As you wish, contractor."

Elsa smiles as her and Meili start leaving towards the entrance of Lugnica, the bowel hunter excited to see who her opponent is while Meili was interested to see who is attacking her mabeast. As the two were leaving, blue approached Subaru, curious to know what he will be doing.

"Subaru-sama, what would nyow like me to do?"

"Blue, I have an important task for you."

"Yes Subaru-sama?"

"Yes Subaru-sama?"

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