Greed Chapter 17: True to yourself

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Being back in the real world felt so unreal since it was the exact moment he and his counterpart had entered the dream world.

'Right, being in there is like time stops.'

As he thought this, he noticed that his counterpart had started to move as well.

'Did he left right after I did?' He questioned himself for a moment before realizing that it doesn't matter how long his counterpart was in the dream world, the time in there functions is different than the real world.

Either way it didn't matter since this tells him that his counterpart had made his choice which he will know once he answers this question:

"What happened there?"


Natsuki Subaru remained silent which made Subaru worry since the way his counterpart was looking almost looked like he was dead inside.

'The hell happened after I left?'

The atmosphere was silent as he questioned himself on what could've happened though it didn't stay silent for long.

The mansion was starting to shake which reminded the two Subarus that there was still a battle going on.

The wall crashed as it was Garfiel, badly injured from his fight with Roswaal.


"Tsk. Stay back!" He shouted as he was getting back up, coughing up some blood. "Still not done...!"

Once back on his feet, him along with the two Subarus looked up to see that Roswaal was countering Ram's wind attacks before preparing for a counter-attack with his six-fold magic.

"Th't bastard loves t'be on th'air. Coward!"

As he shouted his frustrations, he used all of his strength to jump in order to try and reach Roswaal though as he did this, the floor underneath the two Subarus collapsed.

The two fell onto the first floor with the mansion beginning to catch fire with all of the fighting, prompting both Subarus to place their concerns in getting everyone out of there while they still can.

"We can't let anybody die."

"Then I'll go get the two Beakos. Focus on getting Rem and Meili."

"Had the same thought in mind."

As both agreed to this plan, they started to run towards the stairs, the people they were going off to rescue luckily being on the same floor.

While making their way up onto the second floor, they looked up and saw that Garfiel was knocked away by Roswaal with his six-fold magic.

This prompted the two to give it their all in trying to get Rem, Meili, and the two Beatrices to safety, especially with Ram using everything she has in her mana before she collapses.

Once making it to the second floor, they see Otto carrying Petra all the while he was bleeding from the side of his head.

"Otto!" Subaru shouted with concern, seeing that his friend was bleeding.

"...Otto..." Natsuki Subaru paused himself, caught off guard when seeing him.

Otto looked up and noticed the two Natsuki Subarus.


"What happened?" Subaru said as he approached him.

"For now we need to get Rem, Beako, and the Beako of this world out of here. What happened to you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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