Aganau Chapter 1: Dangerous night

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Subaru opened his eyes to see that he had returned back to a forest once again.

'Can I stop appearing in the middle of a freaking forest? It's very creepy and annoying at this point.'

"Not really my fault."

'How is it not your fault?! I keep spawning in the forest!'

"That's because you are needed there."

'Is that so?'


Subaru stayed silent for a moment. He brushed away what the watcher said to him and began to think about other things that were more important to him at the moment.

The first thing that came to mind were his comrades from his world, wondering how the ones that are probably still in the watchtower are holding up.

As he thought of them, he started to think about Emilia and Beatrice, how the two were asleep in the white void where the watcher is located.

("I still need her to help you in another one of the worlds. Should I have returned her to your world, she wouldn't be able to help you out in the future.")

("Why...Why is Emilia here?!")

("She's here for the same reason as Beatrice, they will help you in a later world.")

'I wonder what world they will be needed in according to that jerk...'

As he thinks of this, he begins to close his eyes in order to reflect on everything that had transpired on this quest of dealing with the other versions of Natsuki Subaru. As he thinks back on the three worlds he had traveled so far, he starts to see a few errors he had made.

With the world of Pride, he knows that his mistake there was to not offer an actual hand to his counterpart. Although he was way more insane than the Purge King, he was still a version of him that was suffering from loneliness.

With the Purge King, he was completely paranoid thanks to what happened with Ram. Despite how he is pissed at him for having killed Beatrice and imprisoned his friends, he does understand that he could've had a talk down with him to find some reason.

Lastly with his elder self, he still dislikes that he ran away but he can't deny that it would've been nice to have a peaceful life with Rem.

'A peaceful life without any deaths...'

Subaru couldn't help but feel a bit off in thinking deeply of this possible fate that he could've had but he doesn't regret anything.

'Working hard to keep Emilia-tan, Rem, Beako, Ram, Otto, Garfiel, Petra, Frederica, Patrasche, Ryuzu, and even Meili safe. They are so important to me...I would go through hell so many times for them.'

With this in mind, he looked around for a moment to see where he should go. As he was looking, he suddenly heard what seemed to be an explosion. This prompted him to turn towards the direction of the woods.

'I guess I better get started.'

Just as Subaru thought this, he started to make his way towards that direction. At first he was walking slowly, cautious since he hadn't seen any allies appear near him. During this walk, he started to think to himself,

'I wonder what kind of version of me I'll be dealing with. Will he be like a maniac like the Sin Archbishop of Pride, paranoid to hell like the Purge King, a peaceful man like the father version of me, or will he be something completely different? Probably different but still...I hope he isn't a villain.'

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