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Chapter fifteen - feelings

"Why don't you go sit down and tell me what happened" Nai said as my little snuffles made her face soften. She closed the door and guided me to the couch in her living room.

"So Chase had treated me and my family out to dinner" I said through little gasps of air "and everything was going well until they asked about Vinnie"

"Vinnie? What did Vinnie do?"

"Exactly! I was wondering the same thing!" I said as Nailea got up and walked to the kitchen to get something "they asked if he graduated, if- if he has a girl friend, if I wanted to date him and so much more, then my dad said to chase "Chase didn't I tell you to keep Sophia away from boys?""

"Jesus" She said and came back into the living room with a cup of water "then what happened?"

"Then there, I got so pissed off because they had to mention Kevin and that I'm so stupid for dating him" I said as I picked up my glass of water and drank a bit.

"Does Vinnie know?"

"No, and I don't want him to know"

"But other than that, you said that your parents asked if you wanted to date him, what did you say?"

"I couldn't say anything, I was just pressured and just pure panicking." I said calming down.

"Well you can tell me, do you like him?"

My thoughts were all over the place, but I couldn't think of the right words to say.

"I don't know Nai. To be honest I really don't know.  I like him yes. But can I love him? I don't know."

"So are you admitting that you have feelings for him?"

"I do. But please do not tell anyone. I just don't want Vinnie to know, it would be embarrassing and I'm not sure if I'm ready for a relationship."

"I fucking knew it!" She screamed

"Nailea Devora. If you say a word to anyone about this I swear" I said sternly as Nai zipped her mouth

"Not a word, I promise"


"Of course, now what are you gonna do about your parents?"

"I don't know, but hopefully Chase won't try to convince me to talk or see them anymore." I said as a knock came from the door.

"I'll get it" Nai said and got up from the couch to answer the door. She looked through the little peep hole to see who it was. She turned to me and mouthed "It's chase, do I answer it?"

I grabbed my bag and stood up "Just tell him that I'm not here" I whispered and walked into the other room

I closed the door to Nailea's bedroom and sat on the ground waiting for Nai to say that Chase was gone. As much as I love my brother, I really needed some space.

"Hey Chase, what are you doing here?" I hear Nailea say

"I saw Sophia's car outside, I just thought she was here" Chase said

"She's not here, why?"

"Sophia and our parents got in a argument. Now I know she's here where is she?" Chase said demanding to tell him where I was

"Chase. Give Sophia a break. She obviously doesn't wanna see you right now and she just needs to get away from everything" I hear Nailea say as I got a text on my phone.

It was Vinnie, asking how dinner was going.


Hey Soph, how's dinner going?

I actually left Dinner, I'm at Nailea's apartment rn

What happened now?

Meet me at Will Rogers State Beach, I'll tell you
everything there.


A/n: extra short chapter :)

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